RESETageing | RESEarch for healThy AGEING

Europe’s ageing population is characterized by an increasing gap between the ‘successful agers’ and the less successful ones, resulting in a significant fraction of the population suffering multiple diseases and disabilities. For the foreseeable future, interventions that increase healthy ageing bear the most promising potential to relieve individual suffering as well as the enormous strain on public finances. RESETageing project aims at enhancing the scientific and innovation competences of University of Coimbra (UC), Portugal, a low-performing partner, in the area of cardiovascular ageing, with three high-performing partners, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UNEW), United Kingdom (ageing biology), the University of Maastricht (UM), Netherlands (cardiovascular biology) and the Leibniz Institute on Aging– Fritz Lipmann Institute (LIA), Germany (cardiovascular ageing). To accomplish this goal, the project is divided in 6 work packages that will: (i) stimulate research excellence in the aging and age-related cardiovascular diseases, (ii) train and give institutional exposure of UC researchers in the area of ageing mechanisms and new tools in age-related diseases (omics, system biology and animal models), and (iii) build an innovation and entrepreneurship environment at UC by nurturing an entrepreneurial and risk-taking spirit among UC students and researchers.
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Start date: 01-01-2021
End date: 30-06-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 899 971,25 Euro - 899 971,00 Euro
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Europe’s ageing population is characterized by an increasing gap between the ‘successful agers’ and the less successful ones, resulting in a significant fraction of the population suffering multiple diseases and disabilities. For the foreseeable future, interventions that increase healthy ageing bear the most promising potential to relieve individual suffering as well as the enormous strain on public finances. RESETageing project aims at enhancing the scientific and innovation competences of University of Coimbra (UC), Portugal, a low-performing partner, in the area of cardiovascular ageing, with three high-performing partners, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UNEW), United Kingdom (ageing biology), the University of Maastricht (UM), Netherlands (cardiovascular biology) and the Leibniz Institute on Aging– Fritz Lipmann Institute (LIA), Germany (cardiovascular ageing). To accomplish this goal, the project is divided in 6 work packages that will: (i) stimulate research excellence in the aging and age-related cardiovascular diseases, (ii) train and give institutional exposure of UC researchers in the area of ageing mechanisms and new tools in age-related diseases (omics, system biology and animal models), and (iii) build an innovation and entrepreneurship environment at UC by nurturing an entrepreneurial and risk-taking spirit among UC students and researchers.



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