WIRE2018 | Smart Choices für innovative regional ecosystems. The Power of Connectivity, Entrepreneurship and Science & Research.

The 9th Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) 2018 conference will be organised by Standortagentur Tirol in Innsbruck, Austria from 4th to 6th July 2018.
The WIRE IX conference will provide a platform for stakeholders to have an in-depth discussion on the opportunities presented for research and innovation. A particular focus will lie on excellence driven programmes and extraordinary examples of interregional and cross-border open innovation practices throughout the EU (eg Smart City Project SINFONIA with Innsbruck (AT) and Bolzano (IT)). In order to increase awareness about the importance of regional innovation ecosystems, the need for action to develop further, the WIRE IX conference will be titled:
The Power of Connectivity, Entrepreneurship and Basic Research.
Smart Choices for innovative regional ecosystems

WIRE 2018 will provide an opportunity for regional authorities, funding agencies, political and social institutions, regional networks, companies and EC DGs to participate and to ensure synergies with multi-level policies, exchange experiences and build new networks.
WIRE 2018 will cover two cross-cutting themes woven into all parts of the programme: Digitisation (impacts on research and innovation, economy, society…) and Alpine Challenges (transcending into a larger European context: urbanisation vs. remoteness, innovation in rural areas, smart villages…)
Three thematic tracks towards successful innovation ecosystems have been chosen to focus discussion and participation: 1) Basic Research, 2) Entrepreneurship, 3) Connectivity.
The conference programme of WIRE IX is composed of the following building blocks 1) Plenary Sessions with Keynote Speakers, 2) Parallel Sessions, 3) “Hosted by” Sessions, 4) Face-to-Face Meetings, 5) Exhibition Area, 6) Professional Site Visits for Delegates
WIRE IX will consist of an on-site event programme (Site Visits on 4th July) and a 2-day conference programme (5th to 6th July).
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/814427
Start date: 01-02-2018
End date: 31-01-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 461 125,00 Euro - 250 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The 9th Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) 2018 conference will be organised by Standortagentur Tirol in Innsbruck, Austria from 4th to 6th July 2018.
The WIRE IX conference will provide a platform for stakeholders to have an in-depth discussion on the opportunities presented for research and innovation. A particular focus will lie on excellence driven programmes and extraordinary examples of interregional and cross-border open innovation practices throughout the EU (eg Smart City Project SINFONIA with Innsbruck (AT) and Bolzano (IT)). In order to increase awareness about the importance of regional innovation ecosystems, the need for action to develop further, the WIRE IX conference will be titled:
The Power of Connectivity, Entrepreneurship and Basic Research.
Smart Choices for innovative regional ecosystems

WIRE 2018 will provide an opportunity for regional authorities, funding agencies, political and social institutions, regional networks, companies and EC DGs to participate and to ensure synergies with multi-level policies, exchange experiences and build new networks.
WIRE 2018 will cover two cross-cutting themes woven into all parts of the programme: Digitisation (impacts on research and innovation, economy, society…) and Alpine Challenges (transcending into a larger European context: urbanisation vs. remoteness, innovation in rural areas, smart villages…)
Three thematic tracks towards successful innovation ecosystems have been chosen to focus discussion and participation: 1) Basic Research, 2) Entrepreneurship, 3) Connectivity.
The conference programme of WIRE IX is composed of the following building blocks 1) Plenary Sessions with Keynote Speakers, 2) Parallel Sessions, 3) “Hosted by” Sessions, 4) Face-to-Face Meetings, 5) Exhibition Area, 6) Professional Site Visits for Delegates
WIRE IX will consist of an on-site event programme (Site Visits on 4th July) and a 2-day conference programme (5th to 6th July).



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.4.f. Strengthening the administrative and operational capacity of transnational networks of National Contact Points