WOODCELL aims to further build on Fibenol’s unique SWEETWOODS production facility to enable production of micro-scale specialty Micro-crystalline Cellulose (MCC) from woody biomass sources, that is significantly more affordable than cellulose materials with comparable properties. WOODCELL is highly efficient (95% Vs 40-50% for alternative commercial processes) with energy usage ~3 times lower. In addition, WOODCELL MCC is produced at high solids content (18-20% before drying) and is colloidally stable, overcoming the usual negative effects of dewatering during processing. WOODCELL will achieve competitive price (even against other abundant chemicals). This, combined with the unique properties will enable WOODCELL to unlock new markets globally.

WOODCELL will design and build a sustainable, cost-effective, first-of-a-kind, flagship MCC biorefinery producing 4 kt/y by 2029. The modular design, combined with existing IP and freedom to operate will be key factors to enabling the rapid commercial exploitation and replication. Following the successful build and operation of the WOODCELL MCC plant, WOODCELL will move into a replication phase and build a new MCC production facility capable of producing 20 kt/y by 2030.

Based on these unique MCCs, WOODCELL will develop the whole value chain from the feedstock supply to processing and production steps in order to create the basis for at least 5 new bio-based value chains and create at least 5 new consumer products produced from bio-based materials, based on existing commercially viable products from out industrial partners: DS Smith a multinational packaging business, Coatex a multinational manufacturer of specialty materials and Skeleton Technologies is a hi-tech company that develop energy storage solutions.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101157583
Start date: 01-06-2024
End date: 31-05-2029
Total budget - Public funding: 34 389 620,00 Euro - 16 639 435,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

WOODCELL aims to further build on Fibenol’s unique SWEETWOODS production facility to enable production of micro-scale specialty Micro-crystalline Cellulose (MCC) from woody biomass sources, that is significantly more affordable than cellulose materials with comparable properties. WOODCELL is highly efficient (95% Vs 40-50% for alternative commercial processes) with energy usage ~3 times lower. In addition, WOODCELL MCC is produced at high solids content (18-20% before drying) and is colloidally stable, overcoming the usual negative effects of dewatering during processing. WOODCELL will achieve competitive price (even against other abundant chemicals). This, combined with the unique properties will enable WOODCELL to unlock new markets globally.

WOODCELL will design and build a sustainable, cost-effective, first-of-a-kind, flagship MCC biorefinery producing 4 kt/y by 2029. The modular design, combined with existing IP and freedom to operate will be key factors to enabling the rapid commercial exploitation and replication. Following the successful build and operation of the WOODCELL MCC plant, WOODCELL will move into a replication phase and build a new MCC production facility capable of producing 20 kt/y by 2030.

Based on these unique MCCs, WOODCELL will develop the whole value chain from the feedstock supply to processing and production steps in order to create the basis for at least 5 new bio-based value chains and create at least 5 new consumer products produced from bio-based materials, based on existing commercially viable products from out industrial partners: DS Smith a multinational packaging business, Coatex a multinational manufacturer of specialty materials and Skeleton Technologies is a hi-tech company that develop energy storage solutions.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.6 Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
HORIZON.2.6.6 Bio-based Innovation Systems in the EU Bioeconomy
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IAFlag-01 Optimised and integrated wood-based value chains