KijaniBox | Transforming African Organic Waste into Green Energy for Cooling

KijaniBox is a highly innovative project that will accelerate the African green transition and provide energy access for small businesses along the food supply chain. The target is to leverage the organic waste and transform them into green energy for cooling and refrigeration applications in order to prevent food losses and sanitary risks. The project aims to demonstrate the concept in 3 pilot sites in partnership with local waste management companies, food value chain actors and cold supply chain industries. In order to implement the concept, the project proposes highly innovative approaches called “Green Transition Enablers”. These are i) KijaniBox System itself, a small-scale, off-grid, industrial-grade waste to cooling system ii) Application Solution Boxes (ASB), application specific KijaniBox solution for three use cases iii) Co-creation Factory, enabling the local manufacturing capabilities for cost-effective solution, and finally iv) Business-in-a-Box, a comprehensive toolkit for entrepreneurs and stakeholders business support in order to ensure successful take-up and commercialization of the solution. KijaniBox is a highly innovative driven consortium composed of fourteen (14) entities, 7 European and 7 African partners, coming from 6 different countries. The ultimate target of KijaniBox is to pave the way for long-term sustainable economic growth and job creation opportunities in Africa and Europe.
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Start date: 01-09-2024
End date: 31-08-2028
Total budget - Public funding: 5 550 685,00 Euro - 4 999 285,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

KijaniBox is a highly innovative project that will accelerate the African green transition and provide energy access for small businesses along the food supply chain. The target is to leverage the organic waste and transform them into green energy for cooling and refrigeration applications in order to prevent food losses and sanitary risks. The project aims to demonstrate the concept in 3 pilot sites in partnership with local waste management companies, food value chain actors and cold supply chain industries. In order to implement the concept, the project proposes highly innovative approaches called “Green Transition Enablers”. These are i) KijaniBox System itself, a small-scale, off-grid, industrial-grade waste to cooling system ii) Application Solution Boxes (ASB), application specific KijaniBox solution for three use cases iii) Co-creation Factory, enabling the local manufacturing capabilities for cost-effective solution, and finally iv) Business-in-a-Box, a comprehensive toolkit for entrepreneurs and stakeholders business support in order to ensure successful take-up and commercialization of the solution. KijaniBox is a highly innovative driven consortium composed of fourteen (14) entities, 7 European and 7 African partners, coming from 6 different countries. The ultimate target of KijaniBox is to pave the way for long-term sustainable economic growth and job creation opportunities in Africa and Europe.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-02-16 Accelerating the green transition and energy access in Africa
HORIZON.2.5.2 Energy Supply
HORIZON-CL5-2023-D3-02-16 Accelerating the green transition and energy access in Africa