SEADOTs | Social-Ecological ocean management Applications with Digital Ocean Twins

SEADOTs (Social-Ecological Ocean Management Applications using Digital Ocean Twins) has the objective of advancing holistic, just and sustainable ocean management by bringing a predictive component for social-ecological aspects into comprehensive digital ocean twins (DOTs). These DOTs will combine digital twins of the ocean (DTO) with human activities in the ocean and combine socio-ecological and socio-economic data with ocean data, ecosystem data, and a variety of models. By creating and demonstrating applications in the Norwegian North Sea, the Southern North Sea and the Baltic Sea that address current challenges and developments and can simulate the intricate interactions between human activities and marine ecosystems, SEADOTs aims to facilitate and inform political decision making, marine spatial planning and adaptive management. SEADOTs ambition is to help safeguard ocean ecosystems, promote sustainable resource use, and enhance social and economic well-being. The project will leverage developments from ongoing Mission and Green Deal projects where partners are involved in, including the European Digital Twin projects Iliad and EDITO, OLAMUR and CLIMAREST and demonstrate Ocean Management Applications with Digital Ocean Twins on the EU Digital Twin Ocean (DTO) infrastructure as well as distributed platforms for socio-ecological, socio-economic and political endpoints. For that purpose will SEADOTs work with data acquisition and beyond the state of the art and the objective to provide spatially-explicit social-ecological data and data interoperability with geospatial ocean data also after the project period in suitable repositories, through stakeholder capacity building and through collaboration with the co-funded projects of this call.
The SEADOTS consortium was built across scientific and technical excellence and is accompanied by an Advisory Board that spans marine spatial planning, political aspects, gaming and social science as well as Ocean Best Practices.
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Start date: 01-09-2024
End date: 31-08-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 3 299 870,00 Euro - 3 299 870,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

SEADOTs (Social-Ecological Ocean Management Applications using Digital Ocean Twins) has the objective of advancing holistic, just and sustainable ocean management by bringing a predictive component for social-ecological aspects into comprehensive digital ocean twins (DOTs). These DOTs will combine digital twins of the ocean (DTO) with human activities in the ocean and combine socio-ecological and socio-economic data with ocean data, ecosystem data, and a variety of models. By creating and demonstrating applications in the Norwegian North Sea, the Southern North Sea and the Baltic Sea that address current challenges and developments and can simulate the intricate interactions between human activities and marine ecosystems, SEADOTs aims to facilitate and inform political decision making, marine spatial planning and adaptive management. SEADOTs ambition is to help safeguard ocean ecosystems, promote sustainable resource use, and enhance social and economic well-being. The project will leverage developments from ongoing Mission and Green Deal projects where partners are involved in, including the European Digital Twin projects Iliad and EDITO, OLAMUR and CLIMAREST and demonstrate Ocean Management Applications with Digital Ocean Twins on the EU Digital Twin Ocean (DTO) infrastructure as well as distributed platforms for socio-ecological, socio-economic and political endpoints. For that purpose will SEADOTs work with data acquisition and beyond the state of the art and the objective to provide spatially-explicit social-ecological data and data interoperability with geospatial ocean data also after the project period in suitable repositories, through stakeholder capacity building and through collaboration with the co-funded projects of this call.
The SEADOTS consortium was built across scientific and technical excellence and is accompanied by an Advisory Board that spans marine spatial planning, political aspects, gaming and social science as well as Ocean Best Practices.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.2 Culture, creativity and inclusive society
HORIZON.2.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-08 Integration of socio-ecological models into the Digital Twin Ocean
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-08 Integration of socio-ecological models into the Digital Twin Ocean
HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility
HORIZON.2.5.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-08 Integration of socio-ecological models into the Digital Twin Ocean
HORIZON.2.6 Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
HORIZON.2.6.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-01-08 Integration of socio-ecological models into the Digital Twin Ocean