PHAntastic | PHA-based iNnovative agriculTurAl Solutions to deliver bio-based ferTIlisers and plant protection produCts

Agrochemicals (i.e., fertilizers and pesticides) are responsible for doubling crop yields over the last century. However, they cause multiple negative impacts on environmental and human health. To lessen their effects, the EU aims at reducing by 50% fertilizer losses and use of chemical pesticides by 2030.
Controlled polymer-based delivery systems preventing agrochemical losses (e.g., lixiviation, volatilization) and resulting excessive inputs are available. However, they are based on non-biodegradable polymers and generate plastic pollution.
Other agricultural plastics (mulch films and growth foams) are used to maintain a prosperous plant environment and prevent agrochemical wash-off, minimizing the quantities to be applied. However, they also result in significant amounts of non-biodegradable plastics being released into environment.
PHAntastic tackles the reduction of agrochemicals and plastics pollution using PHAs, a family of bio-based biodegradable polymers. PHAntastic will develop two families of delivery systems (mulch films and growth foams) based on PHAs containing active bioproducts (amino acids & hydrolyzed proteins, microelements, elicitors and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria -PGPR) instead of synthetic agrochemicals. Products will be demonstrated with end users (TRL6) on horticultural crops and trees in Northern and Southern Europe. Experts in the Safe and Sustainable by Design framework will guarantee compliance. Market acceptance will be guaranteed through the development of business cases and exploitation strategies.
PHAntastic will contribute to a significant reduction of agrochemicals (minimum 25% in fertilizers, 50% in pesticides, resulting in 23 K tons less of agrochemicals by 2050) and plastic (680 T microplastics less by 2050) in our agricultural systems. PHAntastic will thus contribute to a secure supply chain of food and a less impactful agriculture, boosting the sustainability, autonomy and competitiveness of vital EU value chains.
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Start date: 01-09-2024
End date: 31-08-2028
Total budget - Public funding: 7 384 272,50 Euro - 7 384 272,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Agrochemicals (i.e., fertilizers and pesticides) are responsible for doubling crop yields over the last century. However, they cause multiple negative impacts on environmental and human health. To lessen their effects, the EU aims at reducing by 50% fertilizer losses and use of chemical pesticides by 2030.
Controlled polymer-based delivery systems preventing agrochemical losses (e.g., lixiviation, volatilization) and resulting excessive inputs are available. However, they are based on non-biodegradable polymers and generate plastic pollution.
Other agricultural plastics (mulch films and growth foams) are used to maintain a prosperous plant environment and prevent agrochemical wash-off, minimizing the quantities to be applied. However, they also result in significant amounts of non-biodegradable plastics being released into environment.
PHAntastic tackles the reduction of agrochemicals and plastics pollution using PHAs, a family of bio-based biodegradable polymers. PHAntastic will develop two families of delivery systems (mulch films and growth foams) based on PHAs containing active bioproducts (amino acids & hydrolyzed proteins, microelements, elicitors and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria -PGPR) instead of synthetic agrochemicals. Products will be demonstrated with end users (TRL6) on horticultural crops and trees in Northern and Southern Europe. Experts in the Safe and Sustainable by Design framework will guarantee compliance. Market acceptance will be guaranteed through the development of business cases and exploitation strategies.
PHAntastic will contribute to a significant reduction of agrochemicals (minimum 25% in fertilizers, 50% in pesticides, resulting in 23 K tons less of agrochemicals by 2050) and plastic (680 T microplastics less by 2050) in our agricultural systems. PHAntastic will thus contribute to a secure supply chain of food and a less impactful agriculture, boosting the sustainability, autonomy and competitiveness of vital EU value chains.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.4 Advanced Materials
HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-34 Advanced (nano and bio-based) materials for sustainable agriculture (RIA)