ECS4DRES | Electronic Components and Systems for flexible, coordinated and resilient Distributed Renewable Energy Systems

ECS4DRES targets the ambitious objective of pursuing flexible, coordinated, and resilient distributed energy systems developing several innovation activities, specifically:
- realization of a multi-modal energy hub
- exploiting renewable energy sources
- realized by means of dedicated high-efficiency power electronics converters
- multi-modal energy storage devices
- sophisticated energy management algorithms enabling the local balances between energy production, storage, and consumption

ECS4DRES will strengthen the long-term reliability, safety, and resilience of DRES by developing advanced monitoring and control technologies including integrated sensors provided with energy harvesting functions, capable of different types of detection for safety purposes, and for monitoring of energy transfers. ECS4DRES will also achieve interoperable and low-latency communication systems, as well as algorithms, AI tools and methods, enabling the widespread interconnection, monitoring and management of a large number of DRES, subsystems, and components to realize optimal energy management between sources, loads, and storages, to improve power quality and to enable resilient system operation. Most of all, ECS4DRES commits to perform a thorough validation of all the above with a set of 5 relevant use cases and demonstrators.

By exploiting the project results, ECS4DRES will generate a wide range of scientific, technological, economic, environmental and societal impacts of global scale, fulfilling the needs of e.g., OEMs, DSOs, grid operators, EV charging station aggregators, energy communities, end customers, academia. ECS4DRES will provide interoperable and tailored solutions in the form of electronic control systems, sensor technology and smart systems integration for the deployment and efficient and resilient operation of DRES including integration of hydrogen equipment and components.
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Start date: 01-07-2024
End date: 30-06-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 27 930 499,07 Euro - 8 577 941,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

ECS4DRES targets the ambitious objective of pursuing flexible, coordinated, and resilient distributed energy systems developing several innovation activities, specifically:
- realization of a multi-modal energy hub
- exploiting renewable energy sources
- realized by means of dedicated high-efficiency power electronics converters
- multi-modal energy storage devices
- sophisticated energy management algorithms enabling the local balances between energy production, storage, and consumption

ECS4DRES will strengthen the long-term reliability, safety, and resilience of DRES by developing advanced monitoring and control technologies including integrated sensors provided with energy harvesting functions, capable of different types of detection for safety purposes, and for monitoring of energy transfers. ECS4DRES will also achieve interoperable and low-latency communication systems, as well as algorithms, AI tools and methods, enabling the widespread interconnection, monitoring and management of a large number of DRES, subsystems, and components to realize optimal energy management between sources, loads, and storages, to improve power quality and to enable resilient system operation. Most of all, ECS4DRES commits to perform a thorough validation of all the above with a set of 5 relevant use cases and demonstrators.

By exploiting the project results, ECS4DRES will generate a wide range of scientific, technological, economic, environmental and societal impacts of global scale, fulfilling the needs of e.g., OEMs, DSOs, grid operators, EV charging station aggregators, energy communities, end customers, academia. ECS4DRES will provide interoperable and tailored solutions in the form of electronic control systems, sensor technology and smart systems integration for the deployment and efficient and resilient operation of DRES including integration of hydrogen equipment and components.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.4 Digital, Industry and Space
HORIZON.2.4.2 Key Digital Technologies
HORIZON-KDT-JU-2023-1-IA-Focus-Topic-4 Focus Topic on Electronic Control Systems (ECS) for management & control of decentralized energy supply & storage (IA)