"The TETHYS project, ""Twinning for Excellence in Floating Wind Turbines and Hydrogen Systems,"" is a collaborative effort involving the University of Cyprus (UCY), advanced partners from Italy and Denmark, and a Greek start-up. This initiative aims to strengthen UCY's research and innovation capabilities in offshore floating wind (FOW) and green hydrogen (H2) systems, aligning with the European Green Deal and Cyprus' energy objectives.
TETHYS addresses existing gaps in Cyprus' research landscape, such as industry engagement, fundraising, and talent retention. It does so by transferring knowledge and skills, and by establishing connections between established and emerging experts in related fields and sectors. Building mostly on early career researchers, the project's primary objective is to create a sustainable framework for internationalization and research excellence in FOW-H2 systems, enhancing UCY's capabilities and global appeal in renewable energy and green technologies.
The potential of FOW-H2 systems is highlighted, as they offer advantages in terms of green hydrogen production and offshore wind farms, particularly in deep-sea installations like those envisioned in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite UCY's competitive research environment, there are still challenges to overcome.
The collaborative nature of TETHYS extends benefits to international partners. For instance, UNIFI gains insights into offshore wave-structure research and hydrogen system requirements, NEEST refines its technology for sea applications coupled with offshore wind turbines, and Aarhus enhances its forecasting approaches and cost assessment models for FOW-H2 systems. Furthermore, the project exposes partners to strategic potential in FOW-H2 systems.
Overall, TETHYS forms a consortium across European countries with offshore wind potential and diverse energy markets, fostering the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and practices. It creates a robust network centred around the new TETHYS uni"
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101159567
Start date: 01-10-2024
End date: 30-09-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 1 499 997,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

"The TETHYS project, ""Twinning for Excellence in Floating Wind Turbines and Hydrogen Systems,"" is a collaborative effort involving the University of Cyprus (UCY), advanced partners from Italy and Denmark, and a Greek start-up. This initiative aims to strengthen UCY's research and innovation capabilities in offshore floating wind (FOW) and green hydrogen (H2) systems, aligning with the European Green Deal and Cyprus' energy objectives.
TETHYS addresses existing gaps in Cyprus' research landscape, such as industry engagement, fundraising, and talent retention. It does so by transferring knowledge and skills, and by establishing connections between established and emerging experts in related fields and sectors. Building mostly on early career researchers, the project's primary objective is to create a sustainable framework for internationalization and research excellence in FOW-H2 systems, enhancing UCY's capabilities and global appeal in renewable energy and green technologies.
The potential of FOW-H2 systems is highlighted, as they offer advantages in terms of green hydrogen production and offshore wind farms, particularly in deep-sea installations like those envisioned in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite UCY's competitive research environment, there are still challenges to overcome.
The collaborative nature of TETHYS extends benefits to international partners. For instance, UNIFI gains insights into offshore wave-structure research and hydrogen system requirements, NEEST refines its technology for sea applications coupled with offshore wind turbines, and Aarhus enhances its forecasting approaches and cost assessment models for FOW-H2 systems. Furthermore, the project exposes partners to strategic potential in FOW-H2 systems.
Overall, TETHYS forms a consortium across European countries with offshore wind potential and diverse energy markets, fostering the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and practices. It creates a robust network centred around the new TETHYS uni"



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence
HORIZON.4.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02-02 Twinning Green Deal