TACTIX | Twinning Approach for Computational MRI Technology and Innovation EXcellence in Turkey

This project will uniquely combine the skills of European physicists, engineers, and clinicians to create the consortium Twinning Approach for Computational MRI Technology and Innovation EXcellence in Türkiye (TACTIX). TACTIX aims to enhance the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of Bogaziçi Universitesi (BU, Dr. E. Öztürk Işık, Türkiye) in the field of computational magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) through a collaboration with two leading European institutions; FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV (Fraunhofer, Prof. Dr. M. Günther, Germany) and the STICHTING AMSTERDAM UMC (AUMC, Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof, The Netherlands). TACTIX aims to elevate BU to the level of the other two TACTIX partners and create a long-lasting collaboration through education, mentoring, and a joint research project in line with the goals of the work programme topic Twinning Bottom-Up.

TACTIX will design an MRI research and development program for MSc and PhD students and integrate it into the teaching platform of the European University NeurotechEU, of which BU is a partner. TACTIX will organize summer schools, winter workshops, and research visits for ECRs. Additionally, exchanges and mentoring will enhance the research excellence and management capacity of BU’s senior researchers and administrative staff. TACTIX will organize a joint research project on multiple sclerosis, a chronic yet incurable disease affecting over 400.000 individuals in the EU. TACTIX will implement a novel MRI method to detect more subtle blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity changes than the current clinical MRI protocol allows. BBB MRI could serve as a biomarker for monitoring insidious episodes of progression independent of relapse activity, potentially allowing for earlier intervention to preserve cognitive function. TACTIX will widely engage stakeholders via peer-reviewed publications, conferences, a project website, social media, and podcasts for lay audiences, including MS patients.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101159624
Start date: 01-06-2024
End date: 31-05-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 1 491 029,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

This project will uniquely combine the skills of European physicists, engineers, and clinicians to create the consortium Twinning Approach for Computational MRI Technology and Innovation EXcellence in Türkiye (TACTIX). TACTIX aims to enhance the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of Bogaziçi Universitesi (BU, Dr. E. Öztürk Işık, Türkiye) in the field of computational magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) through a collaboration with two leading European institutions; FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FORDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG EV (Fraunhofer, Prof. Dr. M. Günther, Germany) and the STICHTING AMSTERDAM UMC (AUMC, Prof. Dr. F. Barkhof, The Netherlands). TACTIX aims to elevate BU to the level of the other two TACTIX partners and create a long-lasting collaboration through education, mentoring, and a joint research project in line with the goals of the work programme topic Twinning Bottom-Up.

TACTIX will design an MRI research and development program for MSc and PhD students and integrate it into the teaching platform of the European University NeurotechEU, of which BU is a partner. TACTIX will organize summer schools, winter workshops, and research visits for ECRs. Additionally, exchanges and mentoring will enhance the research excellence and management capacity of BU’s senior researchers and administrative staff. TACTIX will organize a joint research project on multiple sclerosis, a chronic yet incurable disease affecting over 400.000 individuals in the EU. TACTIX will implement a novel MRI method to detect more subtle blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity changes than the current clinical MRI protocol allows. BBB MRI could serve as a biomarker for monitoring insidious episodes of progression independent of relapse activity, potentially allowing for earlier intervention to preserve cognitive function. TACTIX will widely engage stakeholders via peer-reviewed publications, conferences, a project website, social media, and podcasts for lay audiences, including MS patients.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence
HORIZON.4.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02-01 Twinning Bottom-Up