BALTIC-FIT | Twinning to enable Baltic Sea vessels to meet Fit-for-55 regulations

The BALTIC-FIT project will build a network of excellence between organizations from Baltic Sea Region (Estonia as a Widening country, Finland and Sweden) to enable Baltic Sea maritime transport meet ‘Fit for 55’ regulations in decarbonisation. The BALTIC-FIT will achieve this goal by implementing a three-year Innovation strategy comprising five objectives, which are focused on strengthening the TTU’s position in the field of maritime decarbonization. This strategy includes short-term staff exchanges of senior and young researchers, 3 thematic summer schools; organization of innovation workshops for industrial and maritime stakeholders; attendance of external events; publication of joint open-access research articles and professional articles.
To strengthen the research management skills of TTU, a specific work package integrates a comprehensive approach including (1) multi-hour mentoring programme focused on preparation of Horizon Europe proposals and (2) training workshops on proposal writing, research management, project administration, research dissemination and communication and IP management.
In the frame of the joint innovation project the partners will concentrate efforts on the decarbonization of the shipping in Baltic Sea region, which has specific constraints in terms of operations, and will deliver recommendations for authorities and private business companies on how to tackle the pressing issue of decarbonisation. The authorities will have more understanding the opportunities that business sector has in GHG-emission reduction and private sector will learn about operational (TTU), technical (VTT) and digital (RISE) aspects of shipping.
By enhancing collaboration between Baltic maritime stakeholders, BALTIC-FIT will cultivate a comprehensive understanding of the sustainable maritime practices, guiding the region towards environmental sustainability aligned with “Fit for 55' package and contributing to the success of the European Green Deal.
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Start date: 01-09-2024
End date: 31-08-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 1 499 934,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The BALTIC-FIT project will build a network of excellence between organizations from Baltic Sea Region (Estonia as a Widening country, Finland and Sweden) to enable Baltic Sea maritime transport meet ‘Fit for 55’ regulations in decarbonisation. The BALTIC-FIT will achieve this goal by implementing a three-year Innovation strategy comprising five objectives, which are focused on strengthening the TTU’s position in the field of maritime decarbonization. This strategy includes short-term staff exchanges of senior and young researchers, 3 thematic summer schools; organization of innovation workshops for industrial and maritime stakeholders; attendance of external events; publication of joint open-access research articles and professional articles.
To strengthen the research management skills of TTU, a specific work package integrates a comprehensive approach including (1) multi-hour mentoring programme focused on preparation of Horizon Europe proposals and (2) training workshops on proposal writing, research management, project administration, research dissemination and communication and IP management.
In the frame of the joint innovation project the partners will concentrate efforts on the decarbonization of the shipping in Baltic Sea region, which has specific constraints in terms of operations, and will deliver recommendations for authorities and private business companies on how to tackle the pressing issue of decarbonisation. The authorities will have more understanding the opportunities that business sector has in GHG-emission reduction and private sector will learn about operational (TTU), technical (VTT) and digital (RISE) aspects of shipping.
By enhancing collaboration between Baltic maritime stakeholders, BALTIC-FIT will cultivate a comprehensive understanding of the sustainable maritime practices, guiding the region towards environmental sustainability aligned with “Fit for 55' package and contributing to the success of the European Green Deal.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence
HORIZON.4.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02-02 Twinning Green Deal