VASSAL | Verification and Analysis for Safety and Security of Applications in Life

VASSAL project focuses on leveraging the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the consortium in the field of software engineering to support safety and security of digitised economies and societies. The key objective is to bring together expertise of the consortium in specific domains to enhance and create a new knowledge for robust and resilient SW engineering through scientific strategy combining model-based design, formal methods and economics for source-codes and systems.
As SW becomes more complex, ensuring its safety and security (vulnerabilities free) becomes increasingly challenging and vital, not only in safety-critical systems but across various operation systems and IoT as well.
Formal methods and model-based design are taking an increasingly significant role, building upon its already widespread use in safety-critical applications, such as automotive or aerospace. As basic building blocks in engineering process, they enable to build robust and resilient SW and HW systems (security-/safe-by-design) ensuring the reliability and correctness, leveraging cybersecurity, and improving the development life-cycle, that lead to savings in operational costs of systems.
The economic assessment and implications of advanced SW engineering tools are not commonly available. VASSAL will deliver a rare opportunity to explore and document the potential benefits of and challenges in deployment in order to leverage the awareness and make inroads to broader exploitation by end-users (especially SMEs) in segments, where these issues are being overlooked due to the alleged non-returnability of the investment.
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Start date: 01-06-2024
End date: 31-05-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 1 499 875,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

VASSAL project focuses on leveraging the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of the consortium in the field of software engineering to support safety and security of digitised economies and societies. The key objective is to bring together expertise of the consortium in specific domains to enhance and create a new knowledge for robust and resilient SW engineering through scientific strategy combining model-based design, formal methods and economics for source-codes and systems.
As SW becomes more complex, ensuring its safety and security (vulnerabilities free) becomes increasingly challenging and vital, not only in safety-critical systems but across various operation systems and IoT as well.
Formal methods and model-based design are taking an increasingly significant role, building upon its already widespread use in safety-critical applications, such as automotive or aerospace. As basic building blocks in engineering process, they enable to build robust and resilient SW and HW systems (security-/safe-by-design) ensuring the reliability and correctness, leveraging cybersecurity, and improving the development life-cycle, that lead to savings in operational costs of systems.
The economic assessment and implications of advanced SW engineering tools are not commonly available. VASSAL will deliver a rare opportunity to explore and document the potential benefits of and challenges in deployment in order to leverage the awareness and make inroads to broader exploitation by end-users (especially SMEs) in segments, where these issues are being overlooked due to the alleged non-returnability of the investment.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence
HORIZON.4.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02-01 Twinning Bottom-Up