Q-EDGE | Living on the Edge: Unraveling Electron Correlations and Topological Transport in Quantum Spin Hall Insulators

Q-EDGE aims to transform the landscape of energy-efficient electronics and quantum computing in response to pressing global energy and computational challenges. Central to this endeavor is the exploration of electron correlations and topological transport in Quantum Spin Hall (QSH) insulators. These are two-dimensional materials characterized by a bulk bandgap and topologically protected metallic edge states. Theoretical models hint at the potential of QSH edge states to facilitate charge transport without energy loss at room temperature and introduce unique quantum excitations in the form of Majorana fermions. Despite their potential, knowledge gaps and experimental challenges hinder harnessing their properties. These include material constraints, such as small bandgaps limiting investigations to extremely low temperatures, and technique limitations obstructing precise edge state measurements.
My discovery that germanene, the germanium analog of graphene, is a QSH insulator with a sizable bandgap, combined with my advancements in scanning probe microscopies, equips me to solve these challenges and fulfill my objectives:
(1) To uncover the principles underpinning charge and spin transport in QSH insulators.
(2) To identify the quantum mechanisms causing deviations from ideal, dissipationless transport.
(3) To engineer the QSH edge states to manifest elusive Majorana fermions.
Q-EDGE aspires to set new standards in topological research, promoting germanene as a benchmark material and developing methodologies applicable to diverse quantum systems. This initiative will significantly inform and refine contemporary theories of complex quantum phases of matter. The urgency is high since the exploration of this realm has just begun, its promises have not yet been materialized, and the extent of its potential for new physics remains largely untapped. As we stand on the cusp of quantum innovations, Q-EDGE will turn theoretical potentials into tangible breakthroughs.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101162852
Start date: 01-01-2025
End date: 31-12-2029
Total budget - Public funding: 1 500 000,00 Euro - 1 500 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Q-EDGE aims to transform the landscape of energy-efficient electronics and quantum computing in response to pressing global energy and computational challenges. Central to this endeavor is the exploration of electron correlations and topological transport in Quantum Spin Hall (QSH) insulators. These are two-dimensional materials characterized by a bulk bandgap and topologically protected metallic edge states. Theoretical models hint at the potential of QSH edge states to facilitate charge transport without energy loss at room temperature and introduce unique quantum excitations in the form of Majorana fermions. Despite their potential, knowledge gaps and experimental challenges hinder harnessing their properties. These include material constraints, such as small bandgaps limiting investigations to extremely low temperatures, and technique limitations obstructing precise edge state measurements.
My discovery that germanene, the germanium analog of graphene, is a QSH insulator with a sizable bandgap, combined with my advancements in scanning probe microscopies, equips me to solve these challenges and fulfill my objectives:
(1) To uncover the principles underpinning charge and spin transport in QSH insulators.
(2) To identify the quantum mechanisms causing deviations from ideal, dissipationless transport.
(3) To engineer the QSH edge states to manifest elusive Majorana fermions.
Q-EDGE aspires to set new standards in topological research, promoting germanene as a benchmark material and developing methodologies applicable to diverse quantum systems. This initiative will significantly inform and refine contemporary theories of complex quantum phases of matter. The urgency is high since the exploration of this realm has just begun, its promises have not yet been materialized, and the extent of its potential for new physics remains largely untapped. As we stand on the cusp of quantum innovations, Q-EDGE will turn theoretical potentials into tangible breakthroughs.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.1 European Research Council (ERC)
HORIZON.1.1.1 Frontier science