ResHERO | European Researchers' Night and Researchers at Schools 2024-2025 in Malopolska

The project has been organising in our region for 17 years. The European Researchers' Night (ERN) will be implemented in 2024 (27th September) and 2025 (26th September) for the 18th and 19th time. Researchers at Schools activities will be implemented for the 3th and 4th time. All the project activities will be organised under the slogan 'SUPER-HEROS-RESEARCHERS SAVE THE WORLD'. With this tagline and reference to the ideas and characters of super-heroes known to everyone, especially children and young people, we want to draw the public's attention more strongly to the role played by scientists in the development of the world, in the fight against environmental and climate threats, and how inventions affect our everyday lives. These are the key areas defined as EU Research and Innovation Missions and the objectives of the European Green Deal.
The main goals of the project are: to bring science and the profession of researchers closer to the general public and make the public more aware of the impact of the work of researchers’ on our daily lives, to develop interest in research and scientific careers in the youth.
Scale of the project is huge to show the wide scientific heritage and achieve project's goals:
- ERN 2024-2025: each year ca. 2,000 activities organised (incl. interactive workshops, demos and experiments, face to face meetings with researchers, science shows etc.), ca. 2,200 researchers, emploees and students as well as 110 scientifis circles from 60 institutions involved, ca. 50,000 people will participate in each ERN,
- Researchers at Schools activities in 2024-2025: 700 workshops, demos and meetings with researchers, 240 scientists/workers and students involved, 25,000 pupils and 800 teachers from 270 Polish schools will benefit.
The project has European dimension: due to its broad awareness campaign, we estimate that 7 million people will be made aware of the project every year.
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Start date: 01-04-2024
End date: 31-12-2025
Total budget - Public funding: - 299 591,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The project has been organising in our region for 17 years. The European Researchers' Night (ERN) will be implemented in 2024 (27th September) and 2025 (26th September) for the 18th and 19th time. Researchers at Schools activities will be implemented for the 3th and 4th time. All the project activities will be organised under the slogan 'SUPER-HEROS-RESEARCHERS SAVE THE WORLD'. With this tagline and reference to the ideas and characters of super-heroes known to everyone, especially children and young people, we want to draw the public's attention more strongly to the role played by scientists in the development of the world, in the fight against environmental and climate threats, and how inventions affect our everyday lives. These are the key areas defined as EU Research and Innovation Missions and the objectives of the European Green Deal.
The main goals of the project are: to bring science and the profession of researchers closer to the general public and make the public more aware of the impact of the work of researchers’ on our daily lives, to develop interest in research and scientific careers in the youth.
Scale of the project is huge to show the wide scientific heritage and achieve project's goals:
- ERN 2024-2025: each year ca. 2,000 activities organised (incl. interactive workshops, demos and experiments, face to face meetings with researchers, science shows etc.), ca. 2,200 researchers, emploees and students as well as 110 scientifis circles from 60 institutions involved, ca. 50,000 people will participate in each ERN,
- Researchers at Schools activities in 2024-2025: 700 workshops, demos and meetings with researchers, 240 scientists/workers and students involved, 25,000 pupils and 800 teachers from 270 Polish schools will benefit.
The project has European dimension: due to its broad awareness campaign, we estimate that 7 million people will be made aware of the project every year.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.2 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
HORIZON.1.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01-01 European Researchers' Night and Researchers at Schools 2024-2025