Research2ALL aims to bring closer researchers’ career to the general public (focusing on young people) by allowing a deep understanding of research and innovation by organising interactive programmes and communication activities. Research2ALL aims at creating environmental consciousness in society showing the key role of research and innovation in addressing local and global societal challenges and so their essential part of our everyday life.
Through raising awareness of circular economy processes the project will contribute to the objectives of European Green Deal and the call of MSCA and Citizens 2023.
Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research, and Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises will use their wide range of experiences in scientific communication to attract the most possible participants – pupils, students, teachers, adults, families, researchers, experts and professionals.
During the Research2ALL programmes researchers’, innovators, scientists (e.g. MSCA grant holders) will be involved with a special attention to female participants and researchers. The project will cover 3 big cities in Hungary with 3500-4000 visitors in the Nights, where next to green topics (e.g. EU-corner, Green Deal aims and their achievement; raw materials, circular economy, smart solutions, e-mobility, research careers) all separate venues will develop a lot of programmes introducing their professional specialization themes in research. Researchers at school will include a Scientific Roadshow throughout the country visiting schools of smaller settlements supplemented with a nationwide scientific award competition.
Through its awareness raising campaign, Research2ALL delivers the main message of ERN to as many members of society as possible with offering interactive social events (e.g. Science Cafés, round table discussions with professionals) and with use of modern communication tools (streaming, social media, podcasts, etc.) and a strong media campaign.
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Start date: 01-05-2024
End date: 31-10-2025
Total budget - Public funding: - 212 932,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Research2ALL aims to bring closer researchers’ career to the general public (focusing on young people) by allowing a deep understanding of research and innovation by organising interactive programmes and communication activities. Research2ALL aims at creating environmental consciousness in society showing the key role of research and innovation in addressing local and global societal challenges and so their essential part of our everyday life.
Through raising awareness of circular economy processes the project will contribute to the objectives of European Green Deal and the call of MSCA and Citizens 2023.
Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research, and Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises will use their wide range of experiences in scientific communication to attract the most possible participants – pupils, students, teachers, adults, families, researchers, experts and professionals.
During the Research2ALL programmes researchers’, innovators, scientists (e.g. MSCA grant holders) will be involved with a special attention to female participants and researchers. The project will cover 3 big cities in Hungary with 3500-4000 visitors in the Nights, where next to green topics (e.g. EU-corner, Green Deal aims and their achievement; raw materials, circular economy, smart solutions, e-mobility, research careers) all separate venues will develop a lot of programmes introducing their professional specialization themes in research. Researchers at school will include a Scientific Roadshow throughout the country visiting schools of smaller settlements supplemented with a nationwide scientific award competition.
Through its awareness raising campaign, Research2ALL delivers the main message of ERN to as many members of society as possible with offering interactive social events (e.g. Science Cafés, round table discussions with professionals) and with use of modern communication tools (streaming, social media, podcasts, etc.) and a strong media campaign.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.2 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
HORIZON.1.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01-01 European Researchers' Night and Researchers at Schools 2024-2025