ReSuSEE | Reshaping Sufi Path in late Modern Southeastern Europe: the teachings and networks of the Melâmȋya-nûriya

ReSuSEE is a project that will conduct an analytical and comparative in-deep insight of the doctrines, and the networks of deployment of the Melâmȋya-nûriya, an Islamic Sufi path that emerged in South-eastern Europe (SEE) through Muhammad Nûr Al-’Arabî’s (d. 1887) teachings. Since nineteenth century, Melâmȋya centers were established in Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania, including three women-only in Strumica, Vranjevci and Prizren. The Melâmȋya represents a still little-studied case in the field of Islamic Studies and SEE history: yet its study will challenge current understandings of Sufi movements that reshape the Islamic tradition along different practical, organizational and doctrinal lines to cope with late modern social and political developments. Drawing on a translocal approach and network analysis, ReSuSEE focuses on Melâmȋya Sufi knowledge and its circulation among the trans-local networks imbued with new forms of associationism. It aims to shed light on the complex interplay between mobilization and association-building patterns, and on the theological and doctrinal (re)shaping of Sufism since the nineteenth century. Employing mainly philological and comparative historical methods, ReSuSEE aims to: 1. reframe the socio-political context within which Melâmȋya spread, taking into account the profound transformations that were taking place in SEE societies; 2. retrace and explore Muhammad Nûr Al-’Arabî’s (melâmȋya) mystical-philosophical-gnostic system; 3. Analysing and tracing networks and channels of melâmȋya doctrines circulation in SEE by employing DH tools (Cytoscape and NodeXL software); 4. developing an analytical and comparative insight framework to understand whether Melâmȋya spiritual outlook can be considered as an approach to the Sufi initiatory path perceived as liberal, intellectual, inclusive and open-minded.
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Start date: 01-12-2024
End date: 30-11-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 288 859,00 Euro
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Original description

ReSuSEE is a project that will conduct an analytical and comparative in-deep insight of the doctrines, and the networks of deployment of the Melâmȋya-nûriya, an Islamic Sufi path that emerged in South-eastern Europe (SEE) through Muhammad Nûr Al-’Arabî’s (d. 1887) teachings. Since nineteenth century, Melâmȋya centers were established in Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania, including three women-only in Strumica, Vranjevci and Prizren. The Melâmȋya represents a still little-studied case in the field of Islamic Studies and SEE history: yet its study will challenge current understandings of Sufi movements that reshape the Islamic tradition along different practical, organizational and doctrinal lines to cope with late modern social and political developments. Drawing on a translocal approach and network analysis, ReSuSEE focuses on Melâmȋya Sufi knowledge and its circulation among the trans-local networks imbued with new forms of associationism. It aims to shed light on the complex interplay between mobilization and association-building patterns, and on the theological and doctrinal (re)shaping of Sufism since the nineteenth century. Employing mainly philological and comparative historical methods, ReSuSEE aims to: 1. reframe the socio-political context within which Melâmȋya spread, taking into account the profound transformations that were taking place in SEE societies; 2. retrace and explore Muhammad Nûr Al-’Arabî’s (melâmȋya) mystical-philosophical-gnostic system; 3. Analysing and tracing networks and channels of melâmȋya doctrines circulation in SEE by employing DH tools (Cytoscape and NodeXL software); 4. developing an analytical and comparative insight framework to understand whether Melâmȋya spiritual outlook can be considered as an approach to the Sufi initiatory path perceived as liberal, intellectual, inclusive and open-minded.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.1 Excellent Science
HORIZON.1.2 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
HORIZON.1.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-MSCA-2023-PF-01-01 MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023