CPIRA | Coherent Phenomenon in Rydberg atoms

The project is devoted to theoretical studies of coherent optical phenomena in multilevel Rydberg atoms under external magnetic field by using vortex beams. The applicant will investigate the parity-time (PT) symmetry condition via optical vortex light in Rydberg atoms. Then, he will proposed a novel model for efficient transformation of the probe energy from zero order of diffraction to the higher orders in the PT symmetry condition. After that he will propose a model for measurement of external magnetic field as well as orbital angular momentum transfer in a Rydberg atom via optical vortex light. It is expected that these studies will lead to future feasible experiments, and have technological impact on quantum photonics applications in EIT-based devices, storage and manipulation of light, quantum computing and information. In addition, the project will contribute to the personal and professional growth of the fellow, via training of his communication, management and other soft skills.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101180954
Start date: 01-09-2025
End date: 31-08-2027
Total budget - Public funding: - 158 597,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The project is devoted to theoretical studies of coherent optical phenomena in multilevel Rydberg atoms under external magnetic field by using vortex beams. The applicant will investigate the parity-time (PT) symmetry condition via optical vortex light in Rydberg atoms. Then, he will proposed a novel model for efficient transformation of the probe energy from zero order of diffraction to the higher orders in the PT symmetry condition. After that he will propose a model for measurement of external magnetic field as well as orbital angular momentum transfer in a Rydberg atom via optical vortex light. It is expected that these studies will lead to future feasible experiments, and have technological impact on quantum photonics applications in EIT-based devices, storage and manipulation of light, quantum computing and information. In addition, the project will contribute to the personal and professional growth of the fellow, via training of his communication, management and other soft skills.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence
HORIZON.4.1.0 Cross-cutting call topics
HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-TALENTS-02-01 ERA Fellowships