IP4OS | IP4OS Unpacking the possibilities of Intellectual Properties for Open Science

The main aim of IP4OS is social innovation: to empower multi-professional teams and their organisations in each of
the 27 European countries with knowledge, skills, awareness and advocacy to boost the valorisation of scientific knowledge in the ERA to a new level by promoting a concerted approach to agile IP management and OS practices. IP4OS will (1) describe a concerted IP-OS approach in the Synergy Framework with best practices on agile IP management to support OS practices, (2) inform the Community of practice about the Synergy Framework with a Role-Model Campaign using advocates, facts and figures, (3) train multi-professionals in agile IP Management with the Synergy Core Curriculum (4) empower multi-professional teams in HEIs and RPOs to use agile IP management to support OS.
IP4OS will publish and disseminate an open-access and sound Synergy Framework, providing recommendations for best practices. The project raises 50% more awareness in the Community of Practice by informing about advocates, facts and figures on IP tools that support OS practices. Furthermore, IP4OS will reach 300 trained professionals and additionally (at least) 27 multipliers for multi-professional teams from all European countries via several easy-to-use and sustainable educational resources using the Synergy Framework and the Synergy Core Curriculum.
Furthermore, IP4OS will build a Community of Practice by interacting with the different stakeholders in IP and OS. In particular, training and empowerment tasks target 15 professions divided into (A) IP experts and intermediaries, (B) experts performing research, and (C) trainers teaching IP in/and research. With the consortium's extensive IP and OS knowledge, established training and campaign infrastructure, and exceptional expertise, IP4OS can achieve its ambitious objectives in 24 months.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101188026
Start date: 01-01-2025
End date: 31-12-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 1 920 891,25 Euro - 1 920 891,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The main aim of IP4OS is social innovation: to empower multi-professional teams and their organisations in each of
the 27 European countries with knowledge, skills, awareness and advocacy to boost the valorisation of scientific knowledge in the ERA to a new level by promoting a concerted approach to agile IP management and OS practices. IP4OS will (1) describe a concerted IP-OS approach in the Synergy Framework with best practices on agile IP management to support OS practices, (2) inform the Community of practice about the Synergy Framework with a Role-Model Campaign using advocates, facts and figures, (3) train multi-professionals in agile IP Management with the Synergy Core Curriculum (4) empower multi-professional teams in HEIs and RPOs to use agile IP management to support OS.
IP4OS will publish and disseminate an open-access and sound Synergy Framework, providing recommendations for best practices. The project raises 50% more awareness in the Community of Practice by informing about advocates, facts and figures on IP tools that support OS practices. Furthermore, IP4OS will reach 300 trained professionals and additionally (at least) 27 multipliers for multi-professional teams from all European countries via several easy-to-use and sustainable educational resources using the Synergy Framework and the Synergy Core Curriculum.
Furthermore, IP4OS will build a Community of Practice by interacting with the different stakeholders in IP and OS. In particular, training and empowerment tasks target 15 professions divided into (A) IP experts and intermediaries, (B) experts performing research, and (C) trainers teaching IP in/and research. With the consortium's extensive IP and OS knowledge, established training and campaign infrastructure, and exceptional expertise, IP4OS can achieve its ambitious objectives in 24 months.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.4 Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area
HORIZON.4.2 Reforming and enhancing the European R&I System
HORIZON.4.2.0 Cross-cutting call topics