RESSALE | Resale Second-hand SoftwAre's License for Enterprises

European companies currently spend up to 6% of their total revenues in Information Technologies which represents €32B,
among which €6B / year of licenses are not used due to over-licensing. As companies still favour perpetual licensing, licence
management has become a growing challenge for Chief Information Officers: switching costs are very prohibitive, licences’
contractual frameworks significantly increased IT budget and versioning drives companies to over-buy even when they do
not need new functionalities. The EU market of software unused licences' resale used to be very restrictive and fragmented
from one country to another until the European Court of Justice legalised it in the whole EU with its judgement of July 3,
2012. From then on, second-hand software assets management has become a golden new opportunity for companies’ IT
budgets optimization.
Softcorner’s aim with the RESSALE project is to develop automatic processes so as to create an internal trading system for
companies willing to exchange their unused licences alongside with the first quotation system in order to become the
second-hand software licences global pricing reference.
The feasibility study will clarify:
- the shape of the internal trade centre first version offering back-office and users interface.
- the commercial feasibility at the European and global levels by defining the business model and its pricing policy
- the most appropriate legal framework facilitating deals with major European accounts
Softcorner is a French successful start-up created in 2014, which developed the 1st European marketplace of second-hand
software licenses. The company has created a disruptive business model offering middle-sized and big companies the
opportunity to value (i.e. price and resale) their unused software licences. Softcorner offers companies a very large panel of
second-hand standard software from all main publishers (e.g. Microsoft, IBM, etc.) 30% to 80% cheaper than their initial
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Start date: 01-04-2016
End date: 30-09-2016
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

European companies currently spend up to 6% of their total revenues in Information Technologies which represents €32B,
among which €6B / year of licenses are not used due to over-licensing. As companies still favour perpetual licensing, licence
management has become a growing challenge for Chief Information Officers: switching costs are very prohibitive, licences’
contractual frameworks significantly increased IT budget and versioning drives companies to over-buy even when they do
not need new functionalities. The EU market of software unused licences' resale used to be very restrictive and fragmented
from one country to another until the European Court of Justice legalised it in the whole EU with its judgement of July 3,
2012. From then on, second-hand software assets management has become a golden new opportunity for companies’ IT
budgets optimization.
Softcorner’s aim with the RESSALE project is to develop automatic processes so as to create an internal trading system for
companies willing to exchange their unused licences alongside with the first quotation system in order to become the
second-hand software licences global pricing reference.
The feasibility study will clarify:
- the shape of the internal trade centre first version offering back-office and users interface.
- the commercial feasibility at the European and global levels by defining the business model and its pricing policy
- the most appropriate legal framework facilitating deals with major European accounts
Softcorner is a French successful start-up created in 2014, which developed the 1st European marketplace of second-hand
software licenses. The company has created a disruptive business model offering middle-sized and big companies the
opportunity to value (i.e. price and resale) their unused software licences. Softcorner offers companies a very large panel of
second-hand standard software from all main publishers (e.g. Microsoft, IBM, etc.) 30% to 80% cheaper than their initial



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.1. Mainstreaming SME support, especially through a dedicated instrument
INSO-10-2015-1 SME business model innovation
H2020-EU.3.6. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Europe In A Changing World - Inclusive, Innovative And Reflective Societies
H2020-EU.3.6.0. Cross-cutting call topics
INSO-10-2015-1 SME business model innovation