UniMind | SaaS platform applying Artificial Intelligence and collaborative learning to the automation of Machine Vision-based manufacturing processes

UniMind is a Deep Learning SaaS platform for the intelligent automation of manufacturing processes, minimizing the combination of low-value+high-repetitiveness tasks for human workers. Automating these processes is expensive (i.e. unattainable for SMEs), time-consuming and most of all: inflexible. All solutions are custom-made and not adaptable to different contexts. UniMind significantly lowers the time needed to learn and implement a new process. The algorithm’s learning process is fostered by incremental collaborative learning: the algorithms engaged in different processes and working in different companies are all connected to the cloud, so the work experience of one solution feeds all the others.

UniMind has many possible applications, and we are starting for Visual Quality Control and Random Bin Picking, since both are highly in-demand processes and ideal to train UniMind for other applications. Existing solutions are partial and tailored to clients’ particular needs, not scalable to new applications, shop floor changes and/or scenarios. They are also slow in their deployment, dependent on evolutive maintenance and expensive.

Worldwide revenues in the Machine Vision market have consistently grown since 2015, for all applications (€ 8.77 bn in 2017, growing at a 7.7% CAGR up to € 16.08bn in 2025). BitMetrics has defined a Total Available Market of € 8.47bn, of which it will obtain 0.29% share by 2025, having reached a cumulative EBITDA of € 33.64M. Our affordable subscription-based pricing strategy will lead us to reach these numbers. Our product is offered through a SaaS model. As a result, SMEs will be able to affordably automate their processes for the first time in the history.

UniMind targets the manufacturing industry, specifically the Automotive, Electronics and Food & Beverages sectors. Nissan Motors (as client) and Siemens (as distributor) have already shown interest in UniMind.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/867535
Start date: 01-03-2019
End date: 31-08-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

UniMind is a Deep Learning SaaS platform for the intelligent automation of manufacturing processes, minimizing the combination of low-value+high-repetitiveness tasks for human workers. Automating these processes is expensive (i.e. unattainable for SMEs), time-consuming and most of all: inflexible. All solutions are custom-made and not adaptable to different contexts. UniMind significantly lowers the time needed to learn and implement a new process. The algorithm’s learning process is fostered by incremental collaborative learning: the algorithms engaged in different processes and working in different companies are all connected to the cloud, so the work experience of one solution feeds all the others.

UniMind has many possible applications, and we are starting for Visual Quality Control and Random Bin Picking, since both are highly in-demand processes and ideal to train UniMind for other applications. Existing solutions are partial and tailored to clients’ particular needs, not scalable to new applications, shop floor changes and/or scenarios. They are also slow in their deployment, dependent on evolutive maintenance and expensive.

Worldwide revenues in the Machine Vision market have consistently grown since 2015, for all applications (€ 8.77 bn in 2017, growing at a 7.7% CAGR up to € 16.08bn in 2025). BitMetrics has defined a Total Available Market of € 8.47bn, of which it will obtain 0.29% share by 2025, having reached a cumulative EBITDA of € 33.64M. Our affordable subscription-based pricing strategy will lead us to reach these numbers. Our product is offered through a SaaS model. As a result, SMEs will be able to affordably automate their processes for the first time in the history.

UniMind targets the manufacturing industry, specifically the Automotive, Electronics and Food & Beverages sectors. Nissan Motors (as client) and Siemens (as distributor) have already shown interest in UniMind.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.0. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Cross-cutting calls
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.0. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs - Cross-cutting calls
H2020-EU.3.0. Cross-cutting call topics