Homer | HOMER - Development of Home Rehabilitation system

Kinestica, an R&D oriented SME founded by a team of experts in biomedical and rehabilitation engineering with 50 years of combined experience, has developed disruptive TRL7 solution that will revolutionize the field of post stroke rehabilitation and home care. Stroke affects 15 million people around the world annually. More than 75% of stroke survivors are left without proper rehabilitation in the most crucial stages of the recovery. In EU alone, cost of stroke is estimated at €38 billion. HOMER project (HOME Rehabilitation) will be first-ever open-access rehabilitation system to integrate patented motion capture technology with virtual reality and open-source ICT platform to provide accessible and cost-effective solution. HOMER will extend limited rehabilitation patients normally receive and thus drastically improve rehabilitation therapy outcomes for large number of stroke patients. It will be 10 times more affordable than current state-of-the-art systems available on the market. HOMER addresses challenges laid down in eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 and helps to overcome current gaps in exploitation of promising research results in ICT for Health, Well-being and Ageing well. Commercialization of HOMER will include several channels. For initial launch we will collaborate with existing partners and distributors of our clinical rehabilitation solutions. We will engage rehabilitation institutions already using our clinical devices to help promote Homer. Later direct sales channels through internet, company branches and franchises will be included. The strategy will enable us to reach large populations of stroke patients in need for effective and affordable rehabilitation solution. HOMER promotes excellent science and encourages innovation, thus contributes to multiple EU and global challenges and EU industry policy. HOMER will create 120 new employments in Kinestica and open new opportunities for EU SMEs. Most important it will improve life quality of many EU citizens.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/744293
Start date: 01-12-2016
End date: 31-05-2017
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Kinestica, an R&D oriented SME founded by a team of experts in biomedical and rehabilitation engineering with 50 years of combined experience, has developed disruptive TRL7 solution that will revolutionize the field of post stroke rehabilitation and home care. Stroke affects 15 million people around the world annually. More than 75% of stroke survivors are left without proper rehabilitation in the most crucial stages of the recovery. In EU alone, cost of stroke is estimated at €38 billion. HOMER project (HOME Rehabilitation) will be first-ever open-access rehabilitation system to integrate patented motion capture technology with virtual reality and open-source ICT platform to provide accessible and cost-effective solution. HOMER will extend limited rehabilitation patients normally receive and thus drastically improve rehabilitation therapy outcomes for large number of stroke patients. It will be 10 times more affordable than current state-of-the-art systems available on the market. HOMER addresses challenges laid down in eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 and helps to overcome current gaps in exploitation of promising research results in ICT for Health, Well-being and Ageing well. Commercialization of HOMER will include several channels. For initial launch we will collaborate with existing partners and distributors of our clinical rehabilitation solutions. We will engage rehabilitation institutions already using our clinical devices to help promote Homer. Later direct sales channels through internet, company branches and franchises will be included. The strategy will enable us to reach large populations of stroke patients in need for effective and affordable rehabilitation solution. HOMER promotes excellent science and encourages innovation, thus contributes to multiple EU and global challenges and EU industry policy. HOMER will create 120 new employments in Kinestica and open new opportunities for EU SMEs. Most important it will improve life quality of many EU citizens.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
SMEInst-06-2016-2017 Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well
SMEInst-06-2016-2017 Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.1. Mainstreaming SME support, especially through a dedicated instrument
SMEInst-06-2016-2017 Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well
SMEInst-06-2016-2017 Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well
H2020-EU.3.1. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Health, demographic change and well-being
H2020-EU.3.1.4. Active ageing and self-management of health
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
SMEInst-06-2016-2017 Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well
SMEInst-06-2016-2017 Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well
H2020-EU.3.1.6. Health care provision and integrated care
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
SMEInst-06-2016-2017 Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well
SMEInst-06-2016-2017 Accelerating market introduction of ICT solutions for Health, Well-Being and Ageing Well