TEUTA | Technology Enabler for Internet of Underwater Things Applications

The envisaged innovation idea of the H2O robotics is the full Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) system created by lightweight, low-cost acoustic devices that link underwater network with terrestrial networks. IoUT system would provide positioning of underwater agents (e.g. sensors, vehicles, divers) and simultaneous communication between users on land and the underwater agents/things. Turning this innovative idea into an innovation project we will gradually expand our product portfolio with a new product, IoUT product, as well as expand the application portfolio of our existing products. Development of advanced technologies represents only one segment in a puzzle of turning innovation idea into commercially successful product. Insufficient in-house capacities in innovation management and business development and lack of appropriate candidates with these skills on the national labour market represent the problem and the barrier that this project will help us to overcome. Integration of the Innovation Associate into this venture will reinforce capacity of the team, multiply effect of the effort and help releasing full societal and commercial potential of the innovation idea. This project will be beneficial for both, Innovation Associate and the company. A solid scientific PhD-level background of the Associate will be deepened in the field related to innovation, his/her business-related skills will be developed and strengthen and a significant level of independence in work will be established. As a result, career stage of the Associate will be elevated to R3. H2O robotics will get an opportunity to launch new innovative products and/or services that will distinguish the SME from the competitors on the global market and get an employee (Innovation Associate) with capacities difficult to find and attract on the national labour market.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/957008
Start date: 01-10-2020
End date: 31-03-2022
Total budget - Public funding: - 102 225,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The envisaged innovation idea of the H2O robotics is the full Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) system created by lightweight, low-cost acoustic devices that link underwater network with terrestrial networks. IoUT system would provide positioning of underwater agents (e.g. sensors, vehicles, divers) and simultaneous communication between users on land and the underwater agents/things. Turning this innovative idea into an innovation project we will gradually expand our product portfolio with a new product, IoUT product, as well as expand the application portfolio of our existing products. Development of advanced technologies represents only one segment in a puzzle of turning innovation idea into commercially successful product. Insufficient in-house capacities in innovation management and business development and lack of appropriate candidates with these skills on the national labour market represent the problem and the barrier that this project will help us to overcome. Integration of the Innovation Associate into this venture will reinforce capacity of the team, multiply effect of the effort and help releasing full societal and commercial potential of the innovation idea. This project will be beneficial for both, Innovation Associate and the company. A solid scientific PhD-level background of the Associate will be deepened in the field related to innovation, his/her business-related skills will be developed and strengthen and a significant level of independence in work will be established. As a result, career stage of the Associate will be elevated to R3. H2O robotics will get an opportunity to launch new innovative products and/or services that will distinguish the SME from the competitors on the global market and get an employee (Innovation Associate) with capacities difficult to find and attract on the national labour market.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.2. Specific support
H2020-EU. Enhancing the innovation capacity of SMEs
INNOSUP-02-2019-2020 European SME innovation Associate - pilot