RoBUTCHER | A Robust, Flexible and Scalable Cognitive Robotics Platform

Uptake of advanced robotics and automation in the Agri-Food sector, specifically in meat processing, has been stifled due to the perceived high cost as well as the lack of flexibility, robustness and scalability to suit different volumes, smaller in particular. This conflicts with recommendations that governments across Europe should encourage greater food system efficiency and security. Pioneers in Norway (NMBU/Animalia) and Denmark (DTI) have been working to address this issue and have created a new automation concept for the meat sector: the Meat Factory Cell (MFC). The MFC today is simple, relying upon the intelligence of human experts to complete complex tasks. However, meat processing plants are amongst the lowest quality working environments in Europe, making autonomy a must.
RoBUTCHER aims to develop a cognitive MFC, capable of autonomy. To achieve this, RoBUTCHER has the following underpinning objectives: (1) Assessment of social, legislative and best practise meat industry requirements; (2) Development of novel technology modules for autonomous cutting trajectory planning, and integration with cooperative human–robot interfaces; (3) Creation of enabling intelligent tools to evaluate the system, chiefly for cutting and handling; and (4) Industrial scale pilot of the cognitive MFC.
Core robotic technologies are integral to RoBUTCHER, where the main emphasis is AI and Cognition, but natural overlap exists to include Cooperative Human-Robot Interfaces and Cognitive Mechatronics. Today there are no suitable “off-the-shelf” solutions. The ambition for RoBUTCHER is to develop a system to TRL6, using existing MFC infrastructure within the Consortium as a catalyst for research and innovation. Successful delivery of the project will provide the robustness, flexibility and scalability that small and medium meat processors require to lower the technical barriers they face in adopting robotic automation, which would improve job quality and food security in Europe.
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Start date: 01-01-2020
End date: 30-06-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 7 784 900,00 Euro - 7 536 303,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Uptake of advanced robotics and automation in the Agri-Food sector, specifically in meat processing, has been stifled due to the perceived high cost as well as the lack of flexibility, robustness and scalability to suit different volumes, smaller in particular. This conflicts with recommendations that governments across Europe should encourage greater food system efficiency and security. Pioneers in Norway (NMBU/Animalia) and Denmark (DTI) have been working to address this issue and have created a new automation concept for the meat sector: the Meat Factory Cell (MFC). The MFC today is simple, relying upon the intelligence of human experts to complete complex tasks. However, meat processing plants are amongst the lowest quality working environments in Europe, making autonomy a must.
RoBUTCHER aims to develop a cognitive MFC, capable of autonomy. To achieve this, RoBUTCHER has the following underpinning objectives: (1) Assessment of social, legislative and best practise meat industry requirements; (2) Development of novel technology modules for autonomous cutting trajectory planning, and integration with cooperative human–robot interfaces; (3) Creation of enabling intelligent tools to evaluate the system, chiefly for cutting and handling; and (4) Industrial scale pilot of the cognitive MFC.
Core robotic technologies are integral to RoBUTCHER, where the main emphasis is AI and Cognition, but natural overlap exists to include Cooperative Human-Robot Interfaces and Cognitive Mechatronics. Today there are no suitable “off-the-shelf” solutions. The ambition for RoBUTCHER is to develop a system to TRL6, using existing MFC infrastructure within the Consortium as a catalyst for research and innovation. Successful delivery of the project will provide the robustness, flexibility and scalability that small and medium meat processors require to lower the technical barriers they face in adopting robotic automation, which would improve job quality and food security in Europe.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
ICT-10-2019-2020 Robotics Core Technology