WAZIHUB | Accelerating Open IoT and Big Data Innovation in Africa

WAZIHUB (in Swahili for Open-Hub) is an innovation project for Africa aiming to create an OpenHUB of IoT and Big data cutting-edge and African-grade solutions, co-designed by African people where these solutions can then be adapted to match local service needs. The vision of WAZIHUB is to exploit the huge IoT potential and share best practices for IoT and Cloud Technologies use, through the involvement of innovation communities and stakeholders at local district, regional, national and African level. The project goal is to iterate and extract value from spinning-off value-added IoT innovative services (e.g. monitoring, controlling, data analytics) based on the technologies developed in WAZIUP and FIWARE projects.
In order to reach its vision, the project has the following objectives:
• make the IoT, Cloud and Big Data technology more accessible through an easily replicated platform as a service using existing technologies and a smart village reference model for testing and validation
• simplify the start-up creation process through setting up an accelerator program based on established experience
• make the business model more accessible, enabling stakeholders to more easily catalyse around valid, innovative and tested propositions creating innovation ecosystems that also support sustainability
WAZIHUB will exploit mature results already tested and ready for deployment, it will push for impact based on these through a set of ambitious and measurable KPIs in terms of creation of startups, IoT Regional Ecosystems, wide reach trough dissemination and Build Capacity to train, support and mentor targeted audience (startups, SMEs and developers).
WAZIHUB also plans to expand the reach and use of WAZIUP technology to Southeast and Southern Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South-Africa, Mozambique) and at the same time to strengthen the activities and the strategic partnership with West Africa (Senegal, Ghana).
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/780229
Start date: 01-05-2018
End date: 31-07-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 2 343 532,13 Euro - 1 998 687,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

WAZIHUB (in Swahili for Open-Hub) is an innovation project for Africa aiming to create an OpenHUB of IoT and Big data cutting-edge and African-grade solutions, co-designed by African people where these solutions can then be adapted to match local service needs. The vision of WAZIHUB is to exploit the huge IoT potential and share best practices for IoT and Cloud Technologies use, through the involvement of innovation communities and stakeholders at local district, regional, national and African level. The project goal is to iterate and extract value from spinning-off value-added IoT innovative services (e.g. monitoring, controlling, data analytics) based on the technologies developed in WAZIUP and FIWARE projects.
In order to reach its vision, the project has the following objectives:
• make the IoT, Cloud and Big Data technology more accessible through an easily replicated platform as a service using existing technologies and a smart village reference model for testing and validation
• simplify the start-up creation process through setting up an accelerator program based on established experience
• make the business model more accessible, enabling stakeholders to more easily catalyse around valid, innovative and tested propositions creating innovation ecosystems that also support sustainability
WAZIHUB will exploit mature results already tested and ready for deployment, it will push for impact based on these through a set of ambitious and measurable KPIs in terms of creation of startups, IoT Regional Ecosystems, wide reach trough dissemination and Build Capacity to train, support and mentor targeted audience (startups, SMEs and developers).
WAZIHUB also plans to expand the reach and use of WAZIUP technology to Southeast and Southern Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South-Africa, Mozambique) and at the same time to strengthen the activities and the strategic partnership with West Africa (Senegal, Ghana).



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
ICT-39-2016-2017 International partnership building in low and middle income countries
ICT-39-2016-2017 International partnership building in low and middle income countries