SWAMI | Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices

Space weather has various effects on out technology. One important effect is on atmospheric density and thus space operations. Space weather driven atmospheric density variations in particular affect low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, which represent a several hundred million EUR per year business. These LEO satellites (which include the International Space Station) are crucial for earth observation and communication, are affected by space weather effects during all phases of their operational lifetime. Likewise, all rocket launches and re-entry events and some space debris are affected. A better understanding of space weather processes and their impact on atmospheric density is thus critical for satellite operations. The ‘Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices’ (SWAMI) project aims to enhance this understanding by:
• developing improved neutral atmosphere and thermosphere models,
• make a major leap forward by combining these physics-based and empirical models,
• exploiting new geomagnetic, and
• improve the forecast of the activity indices.
The project stands out by providing an integrated approach to the satellite neutral environment, in which the various space weather drivers are addressed together with model improvement. The outcomes of SWAMI will provide a pathway to improved space weather services as the project will not only address the science issues, but also the transition of models into operational services. Our overarching aim is to give Europe a strategic advantage in whole atmosphere modelling, geomagnetic and solar activity forecasting, and the associated LEO satellite operator services for orbit maintenance, re-entry estimations, as well as launch operations.

The objectives of the project are to:
Develop a unique new whole atmosphere model, by extending and blending the Unified Model (UM), and the Drag Temperature Model (DTM), which are leading models of their kind in the field. A user-focused operational tool for satellite applications sh
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/776287
Start date: 01-01-2018
End date: 31-03-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 1 198 363,75 Euro - 1 198 363,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Space weather has various effects on out technology. One important effect is on atmospheric density and thus space operations. Space weather driven atmospheric density variations in particular affect low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, which represent a several hundred million EUR per year business. These LEO satellites (which include the International Space Station) are crucial for earth observation and communication, are affected by space weather effects during all phases of their operational lifetime. Likewise, all rocket launches and re-entry events and some space debris are affected. A better understanding of space weather processes and their impact on atmospheric density is thus critical for satellite operations. The ‘Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices’ (SWAMI) project aims to enhance this understanding by:
• developing improved neutral atmosphere and thermosphere models,
• make a major leap forward by combining these physics-based and empirical models,
• exploiting new geomagnetic, and
• improve the forecast of the activity indices.
The project stands out by providing an integrated approach to the satellite neutral environment, in which the various space weather drivers are addressed together with model improvement. The outcomes of SWAMI will provide a pathway to improved space weather services as the project will not only address the science issues, but also the transition of models into operational services. Our overarching aim is to give Europe a strategic advantage in whole atmosphere modelling, geomagnetic and solar activity forecasting, and the associated LEO satellite operator services for orbit maintenance, re-entry estimations, as well as launch operations.

The objectives of the project are to:
Develop a unique new whole atmosphere model, by extending and blending the Unified Model (UM), and the Drag Temperature Model (DTM), which are leading models of their kind in the field. A user-focused operational tool for satellite applications sh



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.6. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Space
H2020-EU. Enabling European competitiveness, non-dependence and innovation of the European space sector
H2020-EU. Safeguard and further develop a competitive, sustainable and entrepreneurial space industry and research community and strengthen European non-dependence in space systems
COMPET-5-2017 Space Weather
H2020-EU. Enabling advances in space technology
COMPET-5-2017 Space Weather