SINTEC | Soft intelligence epidermal communication platform

Electronics are set to merge with our bodies to extend our perceptions. Smartphones and watches will give way to the bodyNET: a network of sensors and smart devices woven into our clothing, worn on our skin and implanted in our bodies. Smart wearables are the next step in the Internet of Things wearable evolution. This market is one of the most vigorous over the coming years. SINTEC addresses a market, in terms of size, that reach over €70BN by 2026.
A large amount of scientific results have emerged and a few start-ups are focused on stretchable electronics and sensors that employ liquid alloys for interconnects and passive components. However, there are until today no dedicated commercial equipment for manufacturing of such devices. This hinders large-scale industrial exploration and needs to be addressed.
By a novel manufacturing technology for large area rigid-stretch PCB and integration, SINTEC will provide soft, sticky and stretchable sensor patches that can be used multiple times and at longer periods. With its dynamic compliance and water repellent permeable encapsulation it withstands vigorous action, sweating and water; making it ideal for an active life. A ground breaking intra body communication technique gives large bandwidth and secure consumption at low power, allowing for multiplex sensoric inputs from many nodes on the body.
To demonstrate the advantages of the novel technology, SINTEC will apply it in clinical environment and in athletics performance evaluation. Industrial partners will exploit the results in manufacturing technology, Fat-IBC, and in soft compliant smart patch applications, e.g., in preventive care, sports and fitness, and medical technology.
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Start date: 01-01-2019
End date: 30-06-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 3 999 262,00 Euro - 3 999 262,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Electronics are set to merge with our bodies to extend our perceptions. Smartphones and watches will give way to the bodyNET: a network of sensors and smart devices woven into our clothing, worn on our skin and implanted in our bodies. Smart wearables are the next step in the Internet of Things wearable evolution. This market is one of the most vigorous over the coming years. SINTEC addresses a market, in terms of size, that reach over €70BN by 2026.
A large amount of scientific results have emerged and a few start-ups are focused on stretchable electronics and sensors that employ liquid alloys for interconnects and passive components. However, there are until today no dedicated commercial equipment for manufacturing of such devices. This hinders large-scale industrial exploration and needs to be addressed.
By a novel manufacturing technology for large area rigid-stretch PCB and integration, SINTEC will provide soft, sticky and stretchable sensor patches that can be used multiple times and at longer periods. With its dynamic compliance and water repellent permeable encapsulation it withstands vigorous action, sweating and water; making it ideal for an active life. A ground breaking intra body communication technique gives large bandwidth and secure consumption at low power, allowing for multiplex sensoric inputs from many nodes on the body.
To demonstrate the advantages of the novel technology, SINTEC will apply it in clinical environment and in athletics performance evaluation. Industrial partners will exploit the results in manufacturing technology, Fat-IBC, and in soft compliant smart patch applications, e.g., in preventive care, sports and fitness, and medical technology.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
ICT-02-2018 Flexible and Wearable Electronics