datACRON | Big Data Analytics for Time Critical Mobility Forecasting

datACRON is a research and innovation collaborative project introducing novel methods for threat and abnormal
activity detection in very large fleets of moving entities spread across large geographical areas.Specifically, datACRON aims to develop novel methods for real-time detection and prediction of trajectories and important events related to moving entities, together with advanced visual analytics methods, over multiple heterogeneous, voluminous, fluctuating, and noisy data streams from moving entities, correlating them with archived data expressing, among others, entities’ characteristics, geographical information, mobility patterns, regulations and intentional data (e.g. planned routes), in a timely manner.
Technological developments are validated and evaluated in user-defined challenges focusing on increasing the
safety, efficiency and economy of operations concerning moving entities in the Air-Traffic Management and Maritime domains.
The datACRON project brings together partners from academia and industry to develop the aforementioned novel
methods, together with user and data-provision partners from the two domains, in close relation to user-interest
groups, focusing on real-life, industrial and user-defined challenges concerning operations (e.g. surveillance,
forecasting of trajectories, characterization, etc.) regarding moving entities in sea and air.
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More information & hyperlinks
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Start date: 01-01-2016
End date: 31-12-2018
Total budget - Public funding: 3 993 835,00 Euro - 3 993 835,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

datACRON is a research and innovation collaborative project introducing novel methods for threat and abnormal
activity detection in very large fleets of moving entities spread across large geographical areas.Specifically, datACRON aims to develop novel methods for real-time detection and prediction of trajectories and important events related to moving entities, together with advanced visual analytics methods, over multiple heterogeneous, voluminous, fluctuating, and noisy data streams from moving entities, correlating them with archived data expressing, among others, entities’ characteristics, geographical information, mobility patterns, regulations and intentional data (e.g. planned routes), in a timely manner.
Technological developments are validated and evaluated in user-defined challenges focusing on increasing the
safety, efficiency and economy of operations concerning moving entities in the Air-Traffic Management and Maritime domains.
The datACRON project brings together partners from academia and industry to develop the aforementioned novel
methods, together with user and data-provision partners from the two domains, in close relation to user-interest
groups, focusing on real-life, industrial and user-defined challenges concerning operations (e.g. surveillance,
forecasting of trajectories, characterization, etc.) regarding moving entities in sea and air.



Call topic


Update Date

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Geographical location(s)
Structured mapping
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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
ICT-16-2015 Big data - research