INSIGHT | Integration of III-V Nanowire Semiconductors for next Generation High Performance CMOS SOC Technologies

Overall objective: to enhance advanced CMOS RF and logic capability through the use of III-V heterostructure nanowires monolithically integrated on a silicon platform.

INSIGHT will focus on:
-Development and evaluation of the performance of silicon based, 94 GHz III-V nanowire MOSFET low-noise amplifiers. The technology opens a path for cost reduction of key mm-wave components for high bandwidth wireless applications.
-Development of III-V nanowire MOSFETs on Si with breakdown voltage of 6 V, and evaluation of their performance in millimeter wave (90 GHz) power amplifier circuits. These devices will increase output power available from Si CMOS compatible mm-wave technologies with benefits for transceiver range and sensitivity.
-Realisation of basic building blocks for future RF-circuits including mixers, Voltage-Controlled Oscillators, and frequency dividers for prescalers using silicon based III-V nanowire MOSFETS.
-Development of science and technology for all-III-V nanowire CMOS on silicon targeting future technology nodes for 10 nm and below. This will be validated by the implementation and dynamic characterisation of a flip-flop as demonstration of the co-integration of III-V n- and p-type nanowire MOSFETs.

INSIGHT is a strong consortium consisting of 7 partners with complimentary and well-documented experience in III-V MOS technology and millimeter-wave circuit design and implementation. Our main outcomes include : a)Technology toolbox including, materials, processes and integration for III-V n- and p-channel MOSFETs on a silicon platform, b) III-V nanowire MOSFET RF-transistor technology, c) Circuit design library, d) Circuit demonstrators with a clear technology path towards higher TRLs and commercialization.
Our vision is to use III-V nanowire CMOS technology for millimeter-wave applications in a System-on-Chip approach, combining RF- and logic on one Si chip. Additionally, applications for logic at the 10 nm node and beyond are foreseen.
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Start date: 01-12-2015
End date: 31-05-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 4 244 996,25 Euro - 3 524 433,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Overall objective: to enhance advanced CMOS RF and logic capability through the use of III-V heterostructure nanowires monolithically integrated on a silicon platform.

INSIGHT will focus on:
-Development and evaluation of the performance of silicon based, 94 GHz III-V nanowire MOSFET low-noise amplifiers. The technology opens a path for cost reduction of key mm-wave components for high bandwidth wireless applications.
-Development of III-V nanowire MOSFETs on Si with breakdown voltage of 6 V, and evaluation of their performance in millimeter wave (90 GHz) power amplifier circuits. These devices will increase output power available from Si CMOS compatible mm-wave technologies with benefits for transceiver range and sensitivity.
-Realisation of basic building blocks for future RF-circuits including mixers, Voltage-Controlled Oscillators, and frequency dividers for prescalers using silicon based III-V nanowire MOSFETS.
-Development of science and technology for all-III-V nanowire CMOS on silicon targeting future technology nodes for 10 nm and below. This will be validated by the implementation and dynamic characterisation of a flip-flop as demonstration of the co-integration of III-V n- and p-type nanowire MOSFETs.

INSIGHT is a strong consortium consisting of 7 partners with complimentary and well-documented experience in III-V MOS technology and millimeter-wave circuit design and implementation. Our main outcomes include : a)Technology toolbox including, materials, processes and integration for III-V n- and p-channel MOSFETs on a silicon platform, b) III-V nanowire MOSFET RF-transistor technology, c) Circuit design library, d) Circuit demonstrators with a clear technology path towards higher TRLs and commercialization.
Our vision is to use III-V nanowire CMOS technology for millimeter-wave applications in a System-on-Chip approach, combining RF- and logic on one Si chip. Additionally, applications for logic at the 10 nm node and beyond are foreseen.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
ICT-25-2015 Generic micro- and nano-electronic technologies