FIWARE Mexico | Enhancing FIWARE collaboration between Europe and Mexico

FIWARE Mexico aims at enhancing FIWARE-driven collaboration between EU and Mexico, based on the adoption, deployment and improvement of FIWARE in Mexico as a framework that will open up new horizons for future cooperation in the ICT domain. The Mexican FIWARE Lab node operated by INFOTEC is part of the FIWARE infrastructure, which facilitates the use of the FIWARE platform for local innovative players. However, to bring new Mexican players into the FIWARE arena and create a sustainable collaborative environment between Europe and Mexico, it is necessary to set and manage the proper conditions needed to support the pillars of FIWARE in Mexico to go beyond the Lab initiative.
FIWARE Mexico proposes a new approach to actively and strategically engage all relevant stakeholders in supporting the uptake of FIWARE technologies for sustainable collaboration between EU and Mexico. The project will establish Working Groups to engage innovators from the industry, research communities and end users, such as Smart Cities players, in the FIWARE ecosystem. In parallel, dedicated FIWARE technology’ training programmes will be implemented for developers, integrators and contributors, embracing the whole open source community, which will facilitate the adoption of FIWARE technologies and the development of applications to be commercialized in Mexico and EU. Also FIWARE Mexico will focus on key aspects that until now have only partly been addressed in the EU-Mexico policy dialogue, such as the identification of ICT priorities and FIWARE topics of strategic interest for future R&I collaboration.
The FIWARE Mexico consortium is in a unique position to leverage the required expertise, foster engagement with key players, ensure a shared vision, encourage networking, reach a wide range of policy-makers, industrial and economic leaders throughout EU and Mexico, and mobilize resources towards result-oriented actions that will significantly reinforce the EU-Mexico collaboration in FIWARE.
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Start date: 01-09-2016
End date: 30-09-2018
Total budget - Public funding: 1 220 613,75 Euro - 499 988,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

FIWARE Mexico aims at enhancing FIWARE-driven collaboration between EU and Mexico, based on the adoption, deployment and improvement of FIWARE in Mexico as a framework that will open up new horizons for future cooperation in the ICT domain. The Mexican FIWARE Lab node operated by INFOTEC is part of the FIWARE infrastructure, which facilitates the use of the FIWARE platform for local innovative players. However, to bring new Mexican players into the FIWARE arena and create a sustainable collaborative environment between Europe and Mexico, it is necessary to set and manage the proper conditions needed to support the pillars of FIWARE in Mexico to go beyond the Lab initiative.
FIWARE Mexico proposes a new approach to actively and strategically engage all relevant stakeholders in supporting the uptake of FIWARE technologies for sustainable collaboration between EU and Mexico. The project will establish Working Groups to engage innovators from the industry, research communities and end users, such as Smart Cities players, in the FIWARE ecosystem. In parallel, dedicated FIWARE technology’ training programmes will be implemented for developers, integrators and contributors, embracing the whole open source community, which will facilitate the adoption of FIWARE technologies and the development of applications to be commercialized in Mexico and EU. Also FIWARE Mexico will focus on key aspects that until now have only partly been addressed in the EU-Mexico policy dialogue, such as the identification of ICT priorities and FIWARE topics of strategic interest for future R&I collaboration.
The FIWARE Mexico consortium is in a unique position to leverage the required expertise, foster engagement with key players, ensure a shared vision, encourage networking, reach a wide range of policy-makers, industrial and economic leaders throughout EU and Mexico, and mobilize resources towards result-oriented actions that will significantly reinforce the EU-Mexico collaboration in FIWARE.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
ICT-38-2016 MEXICO: Collaboration on ICT