FI-GLOBAL | FI-GLOBAL: Building and supporting a global open community of FIWARE innovators and users

Through the FIWARE Mundus activities, mostly performed in the FI-LINKS project, countries from all over the world have already started to mobilize innovators and users around new FIWARE ecosystems. FIWARE is currently stepping out from experimentation into commercialisation. The technology must be adopted at global level in order to allow European FIWARE stakeholders to expand their reach worldwide.
The first main objective of FI-GLOBAL is to underpin a FIWARE global community, by increasing the number of FIWARE ecosystems all around the world. FI-GLOBAL will identify and engage multiple stakeholders, who will help bootstrapping innovation ecosystems around FIWARE, provide support to startups, enhance the open platform with additional FIWARE components, and deploy new FIWARE nodes. FI-GLOBAL facilitates the set-up of a worldwide recognized FIWARE Master Course to educate future students and establish international cooperation via a FIWARE Education Community.
The second main objective is to incentivise the take-up of the FIWARE platform and facilitate the means for an effective cooperation among innovators and users from the global community. FI-GLOBAL will mobilize a truly global marketplace of FIWARE applications that will stimulate new solutions and business ideas, and incentivize innovators and users to discover the platform and adopt the technology. This will be done by providing tools that support the cooperation among the global ecosystems to implement new ideas/services and match particular needs that may have been already tackled by FIWARE solutions; and launching a FIWARE Global Piloting Programme to encourage the improvement and replicability of FIWARE solutions at global scale.
Reaching these objectives will contribute to make FIWARE the “de facto” reference in terms of global open source platform for the development of solutions and applications and one of the main instruments for promoting entrepreneurship and strengthening digital education worldwide
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Start date: 01-10-2016
End date: 31-03-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 1 710 435,25 Euro - 1 397 764,00 Euro
Cordis data

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Through the FIWARE Mundus activities, mostly performed in the FI-LINKS project, countries from all over the world have already started to mobilize innovators and users around new FIWARE ecosystems. FIWARE is currently stepping out from experimentation into commercialisation. The technology must be adopted at global level in order to allow European FIWARE stakeholders to expand their reach worldwide.
The first main objective of FI-GLOBAL is to underpin a FIWARE global community, by increasing the number of FIWARE ecosystems all around the world. FI-GLOBAL will identify and engage multiple stakeholders, who will help bootstrapping innovation ecosystems around FIWARE, provide support to startups, enhance the open platform with additional FIWARE components, and deploy new FIWARE nodes. FI-GLOBAL facilitates the set-up of a worldwide recognized FIWARE Master Course to educate future students and establish international cooperation via a FIWARE Education Community.
The second main objective is to incentivise the take-up of the FIWARE platform and facilitate the means for an effective cooperation among innovators and users from the global community. FI-GLOBAL will mobilize a truly global marketplace of FIWARE applications that will stimulate new solutions and business ideas, and incentivize innovators and users to discover the platform and adopt the technology. This will be done by providing tools that support the cooperation among the global ecosystems to implement new ideas/services and match particular needs that may have been already tackled by FIWARE solutions; and launching a FIWARE Global Piloting Programme to encourage the improvement and replicability of FIWARE solutions at global scale.
Reaching these objectives will contribute to make FIWARE the “de facto” reference in terms of global open source platform for the development of solutions and applications and one of the main instruments for promoting entrepreneurship and strengthening digital education worldwide



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
ICT-12-2016 Net Innovation Initiative