PRO-ACT | Planetary RObots Deployed for Assembly and Construction Tasks

The proposal addresses the establishment, with the support of mobile robotic platforms, of a precursor lunar base with essential capabilities in preparation to commercial exploitation of in-situ resources by assembling an ISRU resource extraction and utilization system will be essential for the establishment of future human settlement. It will in particular include the extraction of oxygen from regolith to serve as oxidizer for fuel and for artificial atmosphere generation within habitats, and 3D printing of relevant structures using regolith (with or without adjuvant, depending on printing strategy) for construction purpose – e.g. tiles for landing pad and roads, panels for berms, elements for shelters.
The primary objective of PRO-ACT is to implement and demonstrate multi-robot cooperation capabilities in a moon construction context, relying on, extending and integrating the outcomes of OG1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Accordingly PRO-ACT will:
- Review, extend and integrate ESROCOS, ERGO, InFuse, I3DS and SIROM outcomes as part of a comprehensive multi-robot system, in a meaningful moon construction scenario.
- Develop robust multi-robot cooperation capabilities allowing joint interventions (including navigation in close vicinity and joint manipulation actions) in mixed structured / unstructured environment. Make the capabilities available within a CREW module, integrated along with ERGO, InFuse and ESROCOS.
- Perform the customization of existing mobile robotic platforms and prepare facilities (moon analogue) for performing tests and demonstrations in a selection of relevant, partially representative scenarios of moon construction activities in relation to (1) ISRU capabilities establishment and (2) preparing dust mitigation surfaces (3) assembling and deploying a gantry/3D printer. As a baseline, TRL 4 to 5 is aimed at (depending on scenarios subparts).
- Perform needed tests and demonstrations in Lunar analogues to validate the newly developed capabilities.
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Start date: 01-02-2019
End date: 30-04-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 3 100 000,00 Euro - 3 100 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The proposal addresses the establishment, with the support of mobile robotic platforms, of a precursor lunar base with essential capabilities in preparation to commercial exploitation of in-situ resources by assembling an ISRU resource extraction and utilization system will be essential for the establishment of future human settlement. It will in particular include the extraction of oxygen from regolith to serve as oxidizer for fuel and for artificial atmosphere generation within habitats, and 3D printing of relevant structures using regolith (with or without adjuvant, depending on printing strategy) for construction purpose – e.g. tiles for landing pad and roads, panels for berms, elements for shelters.
The primary objective of PRO-ACT is to implement and demonstrate multi-robot cooperation capabilities in a moon construction context, relying on, extending and integrating the outcomes of OG1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Accordingly PRO-ACT will:
- Review, extend and integrate ESROCOS, ERGO, InFuse, I3DS and SIROM outcomes as part of a comprehensive multi-robot system, in a meaningful moon construction scenario.
- Develop robust multi-robot cooperation capabilities allowing joint interventions (including navigation in close vicinity and joint manipulation actions) in mixed structured / unstructured environment. Make the capabilities available within a CREW module, integrated along with ERGO, InFuse and ESROCOS.
- Perform the customization of existing mobile robotic platforms and prepare facilities (moon analogue) for performing tests and demonstrations in a selection of relevant, partially representative scenarios of moon construction activities in relation to (1) ISRU capabilities establishment and (2) preparing dust mitigation surfaces (3) assembling and deploying a gantry/3D printer. As a baseline, TRL 4 to 5 is aimed at (depending on scenarios subparts).
- Perform needed tests and demonstrations in Lunar analogues to validate the newly developed capabilities.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.6. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Space
H2020-EU. Enabling European competitiveness, non-dependence and innovation of the European space sector
SPACE-12-TEC-2018 SRC – Space robotics technologies
H2020-EU. Enabling advances in space technology
SPACE-12-TEC-2018 SRC – Space robotics technologies