Space activities have increased impressively in the last decades. New actors and concepts are raising new challenges to ensure the security, safety, sustainability and stability of space operations. Initiatives on national and international level aim to tackle this issue through promotion of prevention, understanding the situation, active collision avoidance operations as well as active debris removal.
To ensure autonomy and leadership in the field whilst reducing the dependability on U.S. SSA data, the EU started to work on an independent SSA/SST capability.
EUSTM is an end-to end activity towards the definition of a future STM capability:
• Counting on the main experts in all applicable domains within the team
• Consulting the main stakeholders worldwide in relevant domains
• Defining the needs in terms of organisation and responsibilities, technology, policy, laws, guidelines, best practices and standards
• Elaborating detailed specs, a preliminary design, a reference roadmap and a ROM cost analysis
• Developing an innovative collaborative platform for exchange of information inside the team and with external stakeholders
• Creating a community of interest on STM be active beyond the duration of the project
• Organising workshops and a dedicated European STM Conference anchored to a space event
EUSTM is coordinated by GMV, the main European industrial player in the SSA/SST domain supported by European …
• industrial players and research institutes from all across Europe
• experts in SSA/SST-related technologies
• current and future (NewSpace) users (EUTELSAT and many others)
• experts in the policy (ESPI), governance & security (SatCen) and legal domains (IDEST), professionals for impact assessment and cost benefit analysis (PwC) and key actors in the air traffic management domain (ENAIRE)
EUSTM is supported by 20+ additional stakeholders including operators, industry, emerging NewSpace players and institutions, as well as the Secure World Foundation.
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Start date: 01-01-2021
End date: 31-08-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 1 500 000,00 Euro - 1 500 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Space activities have increased impressively in the last decades. New actors and concepts are raising new challenges to ensure the security, safety, sustainability and stability of space operations. Initiatives on national and international level aim to tackle this issue through promotion of prevention, understanding the situation, active collision avoidance operations as well as active debris removal.
To ensure autonomy and leadership in the field whilst reducing the dependability on U.S. SSA data, the EU started to work on an independent SSA/SST capability.
EUSTM is an end-to end activity towards the definition of a future STM capability:
• Counting on the main experts in all applicable domains within the team
• Consulting the main stakeholders worldwide in relevant domains
• Defining the needs in terms of organisation and responsibilities, technology, policy, laws, guidelines, best practices and standards
• Elaborating detailed specs, a preliminary design, a reference roadmap and a ROM cost analysis
• Developing an innovative collaborative platform for exchange of information inside the team and with external stakeholders
• Creating a community of interest on STM be active beyond the duration of the project
• Organising workshops and a dedicated European STM Conference anchored to a space event
EUSTM is coordinated by GMV, the main European industrial player in the SSA/SST domain supported by European …
• industrial players and research institutes from all across Europe
• experts in SSA/SST-related technologies
• current and future (NewSpace) users (EUTELSAT and many others)
• experts in the policy (ESPI), governance & security (SatCen) and legal domains (IDEST), professionals for impact assessment and cost benefit analysis (PwC) and key actors in the air traffic management domain (ENAIRE)
EUSTM is supported by 20+ additional stakeholders including operators, industry, emerging NewSpace players and institutions, as well as the Secure World Foundation.



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