IST-Africa 2016-2018 | IST-Africa (2016 - 2018)

IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) has 4 complimentary objectives focused on strengthening ICT-related research and innovation cooperation between Europe and Africa: 1) Foster greater coordination of research and innovation activities; 2) Strengthen research and innovation linkages, increase awareness of research and innovation capacity and cooperation opportunities, and support mutually beneficial collaboration; 3) Monitor research and innovation activities in 17 IST-Africa Partner Countries to identify and provide input on common R&D priorities and future cooperation opportunities; and 4) Promote participation in ICT-39-2017 and other relevant Horizon 2020 calls, disseminate results from ICT-39-2015 and other relevant calls.

IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) leverages results and achievements from previous phases of IST-Africa to realise its objectives. Coordination will be undertaken through national Horizon 2020 Train-the-Trainer Workshops and stakeholder meetings. Help Desk activities, international conferences and engagement with African and European stakeholders will assist in strengthening research and innovation linkages. Surveys will be undertaken across the 17 participating African Member States to monitor ICT-related research and innovation activities, map research and innovation capacity, priorities and bilateral cooperation initiatives to support future planning. Relevant calls will be promoted and results disseminated through national and international dissemination channels, physical meetings and conference presentations.

All activities are well aligned with the work programme priorities through the organisation of research and innovation events and conferences with policy dimensions, monitoring of research and innovation activities, identification of common R&D priorities, strengthening linkages, raising awareness of collaboration opportunities, dissemination of results and building on the achievements of an ongoing Support Action for Africa.
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Start date: 01-10-2016
End date: 31-12-2018
Total budget - Public funding: 800 000,00 Euro - 800 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) has 4 complimentary objectives focused on strengthening ICT-related research and innovation cooperation between Europe and Africa: 1) Foster greater coordination of research and innovation activities; 2) Strengthen research and innovation linkages, increase awareness of research and innovation capacity and cooperation opportunities, and support mutually beneficial collaboration; 3) Monitor research and innovation activities in 17 IST-Africa Partner Countries to identify and provide input on common R&D priorities and future cooperation opportunities; and 4) Promote participation in ICT-39-2017 and other relevant Horizon 2020 calls, disseminate results from ICT-39-2015 and other relevant calls.

IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) leverages results and achievements from previous phases of IST-Africa to realise its objectives. Coordination will be undertaken through national Horizon 2020 Train-the-Trainer Workshops and stakeholder meetings. Help Desk activities, international conferences and engagement with African and European stakeholders will assist in strengthening research and innovation linkages. Surveys will be undertaken across the 17 participating African Member States to monitor ICT-related research and innovation activities, map research and innovation capacity, priorities and bilateral cooperation initiatives to support future planning. Relevant calls will be promoted and results disseminated through national and international dissemination channels, physical meetings and conference presentations.

All activities are well aligned with the work programme priorities through the organisation of research and innovation events and conferences with policy dimensions, monitoring of research and innovation activities, identification of common R&D priorities, strengthening linkages, raising awareness of collaboration opportunities, dissemination of results and building on the achievements of an ongoing Support Action for Africa.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
ICT-39-2016-2017 International partnership building in low and middle income countries
ICT-39-2016-2017 International partnership building in low and middle income countries