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Description It has been claimed that emerging technologies such as geoengineering, biotechnology, or machine intelligence could have catastrophic impacts on human civilization or the biosphere, indicating the need
 Reframing Superintelligence - Comprehensive AI Services as General Intelligence Result title Reframing Superintelligence - Comprehensive AI Services as General Intelligence
 Policy Desiderata for Superintelligent AI: A Vector Field Approach Result description IntelligenceJournal number: 2020Journal publisher: Oxford University PressPublished year: 2020Published pages: 293–326ISBN: 9780190905033
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 Collecting Protest Event Information from News Using Artificial Intelligence (presentation) Result title Collecting Protest Event Information from News Using Artificial Intelligence (presentation)
 Cross-Context News Corpus for Protest Event-Related Knowledge Base Construction Result description try the pre-formated search via the search engines listed on this page.Authors: Ali Hürriyetoğlu, Erdem Yörük, Osman Mutlu, Fırat Duruşan, Çağrı Yoltar, Deniz Yüret, Burak GürelJournal title: Data IntelligenceJournal
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 Beyond robotic speech: mutual benefits to cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence from the study of multimodal communication. Result title Beyond robotic speech: mutual benefits to cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence from the study of multimodal communication. Result description the publication on this page, you can try the pre-formated search via the search engines listed on this page.Authors: Grzyb, Beata; Vigliocco, GabriellaJournal title: Human-Like Machine IntelligenceJournal
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 Artificial Intelligence as a Tool to Study the 3D Skeletal Architecture in Newly Settled Coral Recruits: Insights into the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Coral Biomineralization Result title Artificial Intelligence as a Tool to Study the 3D Skeletal Architecture in Newly Settled Coral Recruits: Insights into the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Coral Biomineralization
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Description We will combine three different approaches to study these two aspects: palaeography, computational intelligence, and 14C-dating.
 Artificial Intelligence Based Writer Identification Generates New Evidence for the Unknown Scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls Exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa) Result title Artificial Intelligence Based Writer Identification Generates New Evidence for the Unknown Scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls Exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa)
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 Generating Correct Answers for Progressive Matrices Intelligence Tests Result title Generating Correct Answers for Progressive Matrices Intelligence Tests
 Geometric Transformer for End-to-End Molecule Properties Prediction. Result description Wolf.Journal title: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022.Journal publisher: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022.Published year: 2022
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 Detector Monitoring with Artificial Neural Networks at the CMS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider Result title Detector Monitoring with Artificial Neural Networks at the CMS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
 Graph Neural Networks for Particle Tracking and Reconstruction Result description Intelligence for High Energy PhysicsJournal number: 2Journal publisher: World ScientificPublished year: 2022DOI identifier: 10.48550/arxiv.2012.01249
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 Latent Space Exploration Using Generative Kernel PCA Result description SuykensJournal title: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - 31st Benelux AI Conference, BNAIC 2019, and 28th Belgian-Dutch Machine Learning Conference, BENELEARN 2019, Brussels, Belgium, November
 Towards Deterministic Diverse Subset Sampling Result description SuykensJournal title: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - 31st Benelux AI Conference, BNAIC 2019, and 28th Belgian-Dutch Machine Learning Conference, BENELEARN 2019, Brussels, Belgium, November