E-CONTRAIL | Artificial Neural Networks for the Prediction of Contrails and Aviation Induced Cloudiness 01-06-2023 - 30-11-2025 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon Europe HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility HORIZON.2.5.0 Cross-cutting call topics HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01 HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA1-6 Fundamental Science and Outreach for Aviation Green Deal
AEROPLANE | Advancing mEasures to Reduce aviatiOn imPact on cLimate and enhAnce resilieNce to climate-changE 01-09-2023 - 28-02-2026 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon Europe HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness HORIZON.2.5 Climate, Energy and Mobility HORIZON.2.5.0 Cross-cutting call topics HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01 HORIZON-SESAR-2022-DES-ER-01-WA1-6 Fundamental Science and Outreach for Aviation Green Deal