SSHOC | Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud 01-01-2019 - 30-04-2022 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon 2020 H2020-EU.1. EXCELLENT SCIENCE H2020-EU.1.4. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures H2020-EU.1.4.1. Developing the European research infrastructures for 2020 and beyond H2020-EU. Developing new world-class research infrastructures H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2 INFRAEOSC-04-2018 Connecting ESFRI infrastructures through Cluster projects
ESCAPE | European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures 01-02-2019 - 31-01-2023 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon 2020 H2020-EU.1. EXCELLENT SCIENCE H2020-EU.1.4. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures H2020-EU.1.4.1. Developing the European research infrastructures for 2020 and beyond H2020-EU. Developing new world-class research infrastructures H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2 INFRAEOSC-04-2018 Connecting ESFRI infrastructures through Cluster projects
PaNOSC | Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud 01-12-2018 - 30-11-2022 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon 2020 H2020-EU.1. EXCELLENT SCIENCE H2020-EU.1.4. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures H2020-EU.1.4.1. Developing the European research infrastructures for 2020 and beyond H2020-EU. Developing new world-class research infrastructures H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2 INFRAEOSC-04-2018 Connecting ESFRI infrastructures through Cluster projects
ENVRI-FAIR | ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research 01-01-2019 - 30-06-2023 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon 2020 H2020-EU.1. EXCELLENT SCIENCE H2020-EU.1.4. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures H2020-EU.1.4.1. Developing the European research infrastructures for 2020 and beyond H2020-EU. Developing new world-class research infrastructures H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2 INFRAEOSC-04-2018 Connecting ESFRI infrastructures through Cluster projects
EOSC-Life | Providing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe 01-03-2019 - 31-08-2023 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon 2020 H2020-EU.1. EXCELLENT SCIENCE H2020-EU.1.4. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures H2020-EU.1.4.1. Developing the European research infrastructures for 2020 and beyond H2020-EU. Developing new world-class research infrastructures H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2 INFRAEOSC-04-2018 Connecting ESFRI infrastructures through Cluster projects