FOLSMART | Folate-Target Nanodevices To Activated Macrophages For Rheumatoid Arthritis 01-01-2016 - 31-12-2020 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon 2020 H2020-EU.2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies H2020-EU.2.1.2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Nanotechnologies H2020-EU. Developing and standardisation of capacity-enhancing techniques, measuring methods and equipment H2020-NMP-PILOTS-2015 NMP-06-2015 Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules
SKHINCAPS | SKin Healthcare by Innovative NanoCAPsuleS 01-10-2015 - 30-09-2019 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon 2020 H2020-EU.2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies H2020-EU.2.1.2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Nanotechnologies H2020-EU. Developing and standardisation of capacity-enhancing techniques, measuring methods and equipment H2020-NMP-PILOTS-2015 NMP-06-2015 Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules
PEPTICAPS | Design of polyPEPTIdes diblock copolymers as emulsifiers to produce safe, controlled and reliable novel stimuli-responsive nanoCAPSules for skin care applications 05-10-2015 - 04-10-2018 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon 2020 H2020-EU.2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies H2020-EU.2.1.2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Nanotechnologies H2020-EU. Developing and standardisation of capacity-enhancing techniques, measuring methods and equipment H2020-NMP-PILOTS-2015 NMP-06-2015 Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules
MOZART | MesopOrous matrices for localiZed pH-triggered releAse of theRapeuTic ions and drugs 01-11-2015 - 31-10-2019 Show more information EU-Programme-Call Horizon 2020 H2020-EU.2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies H2020-EU.2.1.2. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Nanotechnologies H2020-EU. Developing and standardisation of capacity-enhancing techniques, measuring methods and equipment H2020-NMP-PILOTS-2015 NMP-06-2015 Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules