ARCADIA | TrAnsformative climate ResilienCe by nAture-baseD solutions in the contInentAl bio-geographical region 01-01-2024 - 30-06-2028 Show more information Organisation AUTORITA DI BACINO DEL FIUME PO
FutureData4EU | Training Future Big Data Experts for Europe 01-11-2023 - 31-10-2028 Show more information Organisation AUTORITA DI BACINO DEL FIUME PO
REWET | REstoration of WETlands to minimise emissions and maximise carbon uptake – a strategy for long term climate mitigation 01-10-2022 - 30-09-2026 Show more information Organisation AUTORITA DI BACINO DEL FIUME PO
SYSTEM-RISK | A Large-Scale Systems Approach to Flood Risk Assessment and Management 01-01-2016 - 31-12-2019 Show more information Organisation AUTORITA DI BACINO DEL FIUME PO