FutureData4EU | Training Future Big Data Experts for Europe 01-11-2023 - 31-10-2028 Show more information Organisation CLUST ER INDUSTRIE DELLA SALUTE E DEL BENESSERE
PRECISEU | PeRsonalised medicine Empowerment Connecting Innovation ecoSystems across EUrope 01-07-2024 - 30-06-2029 Show more information Organisation CLUST ER INDUSTRIE DELLA SALUTE E DEL BENESSERE
SECURE | Strengthening the European Chain of sUpply for next generation medical RadionuclidEs 01-10-2022 - 30-09-2025 Show more information Organisation CLUST ER INDUSTRIE DELLA SALUTE E DEL BENESSERE
TClock4AD | Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease 01-03-2023 - 28-02-2027 Show more information Organisation CLUST ER INDUSTRIE DELLA SALUTE E DEL BENESSERE
BIOMATDB | Advanced Database for Biomaterials with Data Analysis and Visualisation Tools extended by a Marketplace with Digital Advisors 01-06-2022 - 30-11-2024 Show more information Organisation CLUST ER INDUSTRIE DELLA SALUTE E DEL BENESSERE