EUonQoL | Quality of Life in Oncology: measuring what matters for cancer patients and survivors in Europe 01-01-2023 - 31-12-2026 Show more information Organisation FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA DELLE ASSOCIAZIONI DI VOLONTARIATO IN ONCOLOGIA
Instand-NGS4P | Integrated and standardized NGS workflows for Personalised therapy 01-01-2020 - 31-05-2025 Show more information Organisation FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA DELLE ASSOCIAZIONI DI VOLONTARIATO IN ONCOLOGIA
SUNRISE | SUstaiNable inteRventions and healthy behavIours for adoleScent primary prEvention of cancer with digital tools 01-01-2024 - 30-04-2028 Show more information Organisation FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA DELLE ASSOCIAZIONI DI VOLONTARIATO IN ONCOLOGIA