TT | Transforming Transport 01-01-2017 - 31-07-2019 Show more information Organisation FERROVIAL CORPORACION SA
MOBILITIES FOR EU | New MOBility solutions for clImate neutraLity in EU cITIES 01-01-2024 - 31-12-2028 Show more information Organisation FERROVIAL CORPORACION SA
DYNABIC | Dynamic business continuity of critical infrastructures on top of adaptive multi-level cybersecurity 01-12-2022 - 30-11-2025 Show more information Organisation FERROVIAL CORPORACION SA
5D-AeroSafe | 5 services of Drones for increased airports and waterways safety and security. 01-06-2020 - 30-11-2023 Show more information Organisation FERROVIAL CORPORACION SA