COASTAL | Collaborative lAnd Sea inTegration pLatform 01-05-2018 - 31-10-2022 Show more information Organisation INSTITUTUL DE CERCETARE PENTRU ECONOMIA AGRICULTURII SI DEZVOLTARE RURALA BUCURESTI
BOOST4BIOEAST | BOOSTing the bioeconomy transformation FOR (4) the BIOEAST region 01-01-2024 - 31-12-2026 Show more information Organisation INSTITUTUL DE CERCETARE PENTRU ECONOMIA AGRICULTURII SI DEZVOLTARE RURALA BUCURESTI
BIO-CAPITAL | Mobilising investments for protecting and restoring biodiversity by harnessing innovative financial solutions and advanced geospatial analytics 01-06-2024 - 30-11-2027 Show more information Organisation INSTITUTUL DE CERCETARE PENTRU ECONOMIA AGRICULTURII SI DEZVOLTARE RURALA BUCURESTI