IDERHA | Integration of heterogeneous Data and Evidence towards Regulatory and HTA Acceptance 01-04-2023 - 31-03-2028 Show more information Organisation LUNG CANCER EUROPE LUCE
GUIDE.MRD | GUIding multi-moDal thErapies against MRD by liquid biopsies - GUIDE.MRD 01-05-2023 - 30-04-2028 Show more information Organisation LUNG CANCER EUROPE LUCE
I3LUNG | Integrative science, Intelligent data platform for Individualized LUNG cancer care with Immunotherapy 01-06-2022 - 31-05-2027 Show more information Organisation LUNG CANCER EUROPE LUCE
SPACETIME | SPatial Analysis of Cancer Evolution in the Tumour Immune MicroEnvironment 01-08-2024 - 31-07-2029 Show more information Organisation LUNG CANCER EUROPE LUCE