AtlantECO | Atlantic ECOsystems assessment, forecasting & sustainability 01-09-2020 - 31-08-2025 Show more information Organisation UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE-FURG
TRIATLAS | Tropical and South Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem predictions for sustainable management 01-06-2019 - 30-11-2023 Show more information Organisation UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE-FURG
AquaVitae | New species, processes and products contributing to increased production and improved sustainability in emerging low trophic, and existing low and high trophic aquaculture value chains in the Atlantic 01-06-2019 - 30-11-2023 Show more information Organisation UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE-FURG
SeaChanges | Thresholds in human exploitation of marine vertebrates 01-04-2019 - 31-03-2023 Show more information Organisation UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE-FURG
ASTRAL | All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable and Resilient Aquaculture 01-09-2020 - 30-09-2024 Show more information Organisation UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE-FURG