SMASH | Machine learning for Sciences and Humanities 01-07-2023 - 30-06-2028 Show more information Organisation ZNANOST NA CESTI, ZAVOD ZA PROMOCIJO ZNANOSTI, LJUBLJANA
FLAMIN-GO | From pathobioLogy to synoviA on chip: driving rheuMatoId arthritis to the precisioN medicine GOal 01-01-2021 - 30-06-2025 Show more information Organisation ZNANOST NA CESTI, ZAVOD ZA PROMOCIJO ZNANOSTI, LJUBLJANA
REBONE | End-to-end multidisciplinary optimal design for improved personalized bioactive glass/ceramic bone substitute implants 01-01-2024 - 31-12-2027 Show more information Organisation ZNANOST NA CESTI, ZAVOD ZA PROMOCIJO ZNANOSTI, LJUBLJANA