Projects overview

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Title Interventions to promote mental and physical health in changing working environments due to climate change, sustainable work practices, and in green jobs
Description Climate change is further shaping the future of work on an unprecedented scale. European economies are undergoing transformation and reorientation towards sustainability.

HDHL F4H | HDHL Food4Health




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Description HDHL Food4Health addresses the intertwined challenges of food and diet-related Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Climate Change by fostering collaboration and aligning research efforts across food,
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Title Strategies for breeding climate change resilient barley, genetically equipped to optimized root-microbiome interactions
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BarleyMicroBreed (Strategies for breeding climate change resilient barley, genetically equipped to optimized root-microbiome interactions) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BarleyMicroBreed (Strategies for breeding climate change resilient barley, genetically equipped to optimized root-microbiome interactions)