Projects overview

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Title AI-Enabled Data Lifecycles Optimization and Data Spaces Integration for Increased Efficiency and Interoperability
Description Our outcomes will be evaluated in six use cases focusing on direct advancements in key AI and Robotics technologies for everyday use, oriented around multiple data spaces; mobility, healthcare, industrial
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Title AI-Ops Framework for Automated, Intelligent and Reliable Data/AI Pipelines Lifecycle with Humans-in-the-Loop and Coupling of Hybrid Science-Guided and AI Models
Description Through their actual application to address real-life problems in four (4) representative industries: Health, Robotics, Energy, and Manufacturing; II.
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Title Optimise and predict antidepressant efficacy for patient with major depressive disorders using multi-omics analysis and AI-predictive tool
Description OPADE objective is to identify key biomarkers that support the decision-making process of the healthcare providers.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OPADE (Optimise and predict antidepressant efficacy for patient with major depressive disorders using multi-omics analysis and AI-predictive tool) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OPADE (Optimise and predict antidepressant efficacy for patient with major depressive disorders using multi-omics analysis and AI-predictive tool)
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Description Unilateral Cerebral palsy (UCP) is the most common neurological chronic disease in childhood with a significant burden on children, their families and health care system.
 First version of the Ethical manual Result description This document will report the first version of the Ethical Manual for what concerns the ethics issues to be monitored during the implementation of the AI-solutions
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Description 12-24 years, harmonised across European clinical settings, and 4) youth- and clinician-empowering AI-driven instruments for early (self)detection, prediction and monitoring of mental ill-health trajectories
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Youth-GEMs (Gene Environment interactions in Mental health trajectories of Youth) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Youth-GEMs (Gene Environment interactions in Mental health trajectories of Youth) Result description Youth mental health is heavily burdened, with life-long enduring impact on European citizens and societies.
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Title Trustworthy AI Tools for the Prediction of Obesity Related Vascular Diseases
Description better monitor and manage their own health.
 Improving Vessel Segmentation with Multi-Task Learning and Auxiliary Data Available Only During Model Training Result comments AI-POD Result acronym AI-POD-1232643
 Artificial intelligence in medical imaging is a tool for clinical routine and scientific discovery Result comments AI-POD
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Title AI-based long-term health risk evaluation for driving behaviour change strategies in children and youth
Description Participatory design involving explanation of the AI will be used to design two applications: one for health professionals and the other for citizens.
 SmartCHANGE: AI-based long-term health risk evaluation for driving behaviour change strategies in children and youth Result title SmartCHANGE: AI-based long-term health risk evaluation for driving behaviour change strategies in children and youth
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Title Continuous stratification for improved prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of stroke patients using digital twins and AI
Description To remedy this, we herein present a new concept and technology - continuous stratification, using our new STRATIF-AI platform.
 HURON: A Quantitative Framework for Assessing Human Readability in Ontologies Result comments STRATIF-AI Result acronym STRATIF-AI-1198091
 Cognitive and psychological characteristics in patients with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: a literature review Result comments STRATIF-AI