Projects overview

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Description We envision that SMAPs will be freeze-dried and shipped around the world, solving problems related to current immunotherapies, leading to global health impact.
 Macrophages in the synovial lining niche initiate neutrophil recruitment and articular inflammation Result description If there is no link to the publication on this page, you can try the pre-formated search via the search engines listed on this page.Authors: Kristina Zec, Barbora Schonfeldova, Zhichao Ai,
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Title The first IVDR-approved commercial software solutions for AI-powered RNA-based companion and precision cancer diagnostics of acute myeloid leukaemia and bladder cancer
Description A software-based setup speeds up the introduction of new clinical guidelines and companion diagnostic solutions with the ultimate purpose of increasing survival rates and overall health.
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Description TOLIFE will develop and clinically validate an AI-based platform for the early prediction of exacerbations and assessment of the health outcomes.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TOLIFE (Combining Artificial Intelligence and smart sensing TOward better management and improved quality of LIFE in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Result description While COPD is a lung disease, it is mainly the exacerbations and extrapulmonary comorbidities which affect the quality of life, health care costs, and prognosis. The optimal COPD treatment...
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Description The data is processed by AI machine learning models and displayed in an easy to understand dashboard for healthcare professionals.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TELEGRAFT (Telemonitoring of home dialysis utilizing a smart biomimetic arteriovenous graft) Result description With 10% of the worldwide population affected by chronic kidney disease and millions of deaths each year due to lack of access to healthcare treatment, there is a dire need for innovative and accessible
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Description By engaging and building consensus with all the relevant stakeholders, we will contribute to the development of a regulatory framework for digital slides and AI-based methods.
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BIGPICTURE (Central Repository for Digital Pathology) Result description Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to enhance speed, precision, quality, and effectiveness of numerous activities across medical fields, also in pathology.
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Description promote the new solution, to initiate RI staff in their use and to provide both materials and life science communities with optimized tools for tackling societal challenges, especially in the energy and health
 AI-driven TEM alignment and configuration for better data acquisition Result title AI-driven TEM alignment and configuration for better data acquisition
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Description to bring about the development of the full demonstrator of DiCiM, a set of integrated digital solutions that makes use of Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML) based Artificial Intelligence (AI
 A hybrid modeling strategy for training data generation in machine learning-based structural health monitoring Result title A hybrid modeling strategy for training data generation in machine learning-based structural health monitoring
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Description In this vein, iPROLEPSIS aspires to shed light upon the health-to-PsA transition with a comprehensive multiscale/multifactorial PsA model employing novel trustworthy AI-based analysis of multisource and
 The iPROLEPSIS trustworthy AI framework Result title The iPROLEPSIS trustworthy AI framework Result description Compilation of trustworthy and responsible AI guidelines and practices to be followed for developing the iPROLEPSIS AI-driven components.
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Description SeaClear2.0 will develop a holistic approach to address the full cycle of marine litter, towards the Mission to restore, protect and preserve the health of our oceans, seas and waters by 2030.
 Marine Litter Occurrence Domains Report Result description Elaborating those specifics will shape and define further data acquisition measures and help to train the AI responsible for decision making process in litter collection, and distinguishing on marine wild
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Description scientific impact & performance/porting requests for deployment on EuroHPC resources; (iii) providing state-of-the-art training program for next-generation EU workforce on exploitation of ensemble algorithms, AI
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BioExcel-3 (BioExcel Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research) Result description Exascale computer systems enable ever faster modelling and simulations, with paramount influence on health/medical applications, drug development, efficient...
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Description The identification of clinical and omics-derived biomarkers will – by employing AI algorithms - yield a personalized risk / resilience score of chronic inflammation and thus a better prediction of an individual
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IMMEDIATE (Imminent Disease Prediction and Prevention at the Environment Host Interface) Result description In Europe, rapidly changing environmental factors such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, climate change as well as increased work-related stress are the main drivers of many non-communicable diseases
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Description for medical and healthcare use.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REALM (Real-world-data Enabled Assessment for heaLth regulatory decision-Making) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REALM (Real-world-data Enabled Assessment for heaLth regulatory decision-Making) Result description As medical software increasingly plays a critical role in healthcare delivery, the lack of consistent regulatory...
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Description Based on highly relevant use cases from regulatory practice and across the product lifecycle Real4Reg develops AI-based data-driven methods and tools for the assessment of medicinal products.
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Title AI4SoilHealth: Accelerating collection and use of soil health information using AI technology to support the Soil Deal for Europe and EU Soil Observatory
Description The objective of AI4SoilHealth is to co-design, create and maintain an open access European-wide digital infrastructure, compiled using state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods combined with
 Soil Health Data Cube v1 Result title Soil Health Data Cube v1 Result description D5.2: Soil Health Data Cube, 1st version (OGH, M18). Task: 3.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3; Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Remote Sensing Result comments AI4SoilHealth Result acronym AI4SoilHealth-972566
 Soil bulk density assessment in Europe Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Towards a better understanding of pathways of multiple co-occurring erosion processes on global cropland Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Remaining Loyal to Our Soil: A Prospective Integrated Assessment of Soil Erosion on Global Food Security Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 An advanced global soil erodibility (K) assessment including the effects of saturated hydraulic conductivity Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 A unifying modelling of multiple land degradation pathways in Europe Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Soil carbon determination for long‐term monitoring revisited using thermo‐gravimetric analysis Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Stakeholders analysis and mapping (policy perspective) Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Indicator selection framework with protocol v1 Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Mapping water repellency in Denmark Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 A systematic benchmarking framework for future assessments of soil health: An example from Denmark Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Multi-actor facilitation training delivered to pilot co-ordinators Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Benchmarking soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration provides more robust soil health assessment than the SOC/clay ratio at European scale Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Establishment of multi actor engagement pilots Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 A novel laboratory method for the retrieval of the soil water retention curve from shortwave infrared reflectance Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 Predicting spatiotemporal soil organic carbon responses to management using EPIC-IIASA meta-models Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 A 1 billion euro mission: A Soil Deal for Europe Result comments AI4SoilHealth
 A physics-driven spectroscopic approach for rapid estimation of the soil water retention curve Result comments AI4SoilHealth