Projects overview

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Description The identification of clinical and omics-derived biomarkers will – by employing AI algorithms - yield a personalized risk / resilience score of chronic inflammation and thus a better prediction of an individual
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IMMEDIATE (Imminent Disease Prediction and Prevention at the Environment Host Interface) Result description In Europe, rapidly changing environmental factors such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, climate change as well as increased work-related stress are the main drivers of many non-communicable diseases
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Description for medical and healthcare use.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REALM (Real-world-data Enabled Assessment for heaLth regulatory decision-Making) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REALM (Real-world-data Enabled Assessment for heaLth regulatory decision-Making) Result description As medical software increasingly plays a critical role in healthcare delivery, the lack of consistent regulatory...
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Description health-care professionals.
 Extension of AI-assisted MyFoodRepo app for diet tracking Result title Extension of AI-assisted MyFoodRepo app for diet tracking Result comments miGut-Health
 Predictive lifestyle factors Result description Report on predictive lifestyle factors that correlate with disease activity based on data collected with the IBD Coach eHealth tool. Result comments miGut-Health
 Mucosal host-microbe interactions associate with clinical phenotypes in inflammatory bowel disease Result comments miGut-Health Result acronym miGut-Health-1139874
 Food-Related Behavioral Patterns in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: The Role of Food Involvement and Health Engagement Result comments miGut-Health
 Study initiation package Result comments miGut-Health
 “Personas” describing health engagement risk profiles Result comments miGut-Health
 Preclinical Protein Signatures of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: A Nested Case-Control Study Within Large Population-Based Cohorts Result comments miGut-Health
 Midterm recruitment report Result comments miGut-Health
 Public project website Result comments miGut-Health
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - miGut-Health (Personalised blueprint intestinal health) Result comments miGut-Health
 Health-related quality of life is linked to the gut microbiome in kidney transplant recipients Result comments miGut-Health
 Phage-display immunoprecipitation sequencing of the antibody epitope repertoire in inflammatory bowel disease reveals distinct antibody signatures Result comments miGut-Health
 Audio-visual material 1 Result comments miGut-Health
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Description In this vein, iPROLEPSIS aspires to shed light upon the health-to-PsA transition with a comprehensive multiscale/multifactorial PsA model employing novel trustworthy AI-based analysis of multisource and
 The iPROLEPSIS trustworthy AI framework Result title The iPROLEPSIS trustworthy AI framework Result description Compilation of trustworthy and responsible AI guidelines and practices to be followed for developing the iPROLEPSIS AI-driven components.
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Title Reliable AI and Data Optimisation
Description Trustworthy AI focuses on ensuring the reliability, safety, and unbiased optimization and deployment of AI systems, particularly in critical applications such as healthcare, farming, energy, and robotics
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Description The goal of ESCORT project is to bring prominent advances in IoT, Wearables, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) to facilitate enhanced patient treatment services for the enrichment
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Description The core of the innovative MAR is the M-AI-R DSS that will incorporate technological and societal engagement information using an AI-based evaluation to improve GW quality.
 Report of M-AI-R DSS data architecture and data space technical specifications Result title Report of M-AI-R DSS data architecture and data space technical specifications
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Title Synthetic and scalable data platform for medical empowered AI
Description health services, while maintaining a high level of data privacy and ethical usage.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AISym4MED (Synthetic and scalable data platform for medical empowered AI) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AISym4MED (Synthetic and scalable data platform for medical empowered AI) Result description AISym4Med aims to develop a platform that will provide healthcare data engineers, data scientists, practitioners and researchers access to a trustworthy dataset system, augmented with controlled data synthesis
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Description The NBSOIL consortium will deliver Impact and contribute decisively to achieve the Soil Health Mission by mainstreaming NBS knowledge and advice for soil management, providing Soil Health Living Labs facilitators
 Data Management Plan and use of AI 2 Result title Data Management Plan and use of AI 2 Result description It will also contain guidelines will also ensure that AI aspects of NBSOIL follow a trustworthy and human centric approach
 Data Management Plan and use of AI 1 Result description It will also contain guidelines will also ensure that AI aspects of NBSOIL follow a trustworthy and human centric approach
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Title Implementing value-based oncology care at European cancer hospitals: An AI-based framework for assessing real-life effectiveness of novel cancer therapies in real-time
Description products and digital health innovations.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ONCOVALUE (Implementing value-based oncology care at European cancer hospitals: An AI-based framework for assessing real-life effectiveness of novel cancer therapies in real-time) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ONCOVALUE (Implementing value-based oncology care at European cancer hospitals: An AI-based framework for assessing real-life effectiveness of novel cancer therapies in
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Title Integrating AI in Stroke Neurorehabilitation
Description The AISN project will develop and validate operating procedures and guidelines for integrating AI in a healthcare continuum, focussing on post-stroke rehabilitation.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AISN (Integrating AI in Stroke Neurorehabilitation) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AISN (Integrating AI in Stroke Neurorehabilitation) Result description The AISN project aims to revolutionize post-stroke rehabilitation by integrating AI into healthcare, addressing a critical global health issue.