New prognostic indicators in MDS identified during the first 10 years of the EUropean LeukemiaNet MDS (EUMDS) Registry


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Authors: de Witte T, Fenaux P, Bowen D, Symeonidis A, Mittelman M, Stauder R, Čermák J, Sanz G, Hellström-Lindberg E, Langemeijer S, Germing U, Holm MS, Mądry K, Tatic A, Almeida AM, Savic A, Gredelj Šimec N, Itzykson R, Culligan D, Kotsianidis I, Ades L, van de Loosdrecht AA, van Marrewijk C, Yu G, Crouch S, Malcovati L, Smith A, on behalf of the EUMDS Registry Participants

Journal title: MDS-Foundation (15th) International symposium on MDS; published in: Leukemia Research

Journal publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.

Published year: 2019