This deliverable consits of 2 releases:
R1, due in M22
R2, due in M23
This deliverable presents a draft roadmap for collaborative development of essential standards, based on planned large scale deployments, the work programs of the key stakeholders and the experiences in the respective regions and nations. The roadmap will be informed by the outcomes of the policy discussions in task 3.2. It will incorporate several alternative solutions to co-existence of standards based on e.g. value mapping, mapping of information structures, model-based concept mapping and/or substitution, as well as identification of tools that could support such solutions. The relevant topics and instruments, as put forward in D3.2, will be specified for P2, WP4, WP5, and WP6 to address and gather evidence.
This will be the final version of the roadmap D3.5r1 after broad consultation and debate incorporating evidence from WP2, WP4, WP5, and WP6. The intend is for this roadmap to be adopted by the eHN.
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